2nd Bachelor's Application Fee

Continue your education. Maximize your skill set.

This is a non-refundable fee.

For additional information, read more about the process of applying for a second Bachelor's degree or contact us between the hours of 8:30am and 5:30pm, Monday-Friday.

A complete application includes the application, fee and official transcripts. Applications will not be processed until they are complete. You will be contacted via email and mail regarding your status.

Additional Printing

Purchase extra printing capacity

In an effort to control university expenses, UNT Dallas has had to limit the amount of free printing provided to students. If you have exceeded your limit, you may purchase additional printing capacity using your credit card.

Please allow for 24 to 48 hours for the receipt to be received and processed by the department.

Advanced Leadership Series

Advanced Leadership Series

This 15-day program is specifically geared toward lieutenants.  This program seeks to emphasize the importance of leadership in an individual and organizational context.  Course content will include material in the core content areas of decision-making, communication, management, and leadership.  Programs can be hosted in a 3 week (15 consecutive days), 5 week (three days/week), 6 week (one week on/one week off), or 15-week (one day/week) session.  At the end of the program, participants will be able to meet the following program learning objectives:

  • Prioritize effective communication
  • Evaluate management techniques
  • Differentiate leadership principles
  • Prioritize decision-making

Modes of instruction in this program may include:

Lecture Traditional instruction from subject matter experts
Flipped classroom A reversal of the traditional course structure requiring participants to read materials/watch videos prior to attending class so that class time may be spent working on group activities that reinforce learning outcomes
Individual and team assignments: Exercises that require individual and team contributions
Case Studies: Problem-solving exercises using the case study method
Online engagement Use of an internet-based platform to enhance learning opportunities
Pre-work Participants are expected to prepare/read materials prior to arriving to class to jump-start the learning process

Deliverables include a leadership statement and a legacy statement. Lieutenants will also shadow police executives and develop career pathways and a career planning document.

Lieutenants will utilize current research in policing (journals, briefs, etc.) to identify an area of interest for a research project. They will develop a literature review based on that topic, and preliminarily articulate how their research might be applied to solve a problem within their own work area/department/span of control. They will craft a short presentation with PowerPoint to give background on the issue and recommendations for implementation. 


Available Course Options


Fall 2016 Schedule
Location Tarrant County Community College, Northwest Campus, 4801 Marine Creek Parkway, Fort Worth, TX 76179
Course Dates


Week 1 Sep 26-30, 2016
Week 2 Oct 10-14, 2016
Week 3 Oct 24-28, 2016



Civilian Series

Civilian Series

This 10-day program is specifically geared toward non-sworn or civilian supervisors who work in a law enforcement or criminal justice environment.  Course content will include material in the core content areas of decision-making, communication, management, and leadership.  Issues relevant to civilians working with law enforcement/criminal justice personnel as well as management and leadership will be discussed.  Programs can be hosted in a 2 week (10 consecutive days), 4 week (one week on, one week off), or 5 week (two days/week) session.  At the end of the program, participants will be able to meet the following program learning objectives:

  • Establish and prioritize effective communication
  • Implement and support management techniques
  • Apply and differentiate leadership principles
  • Employ and prioritize decision-making

Modes of instruction in this program may include:

Lecture Traditional instruction from subject matter experts
Flipped classroom A reversal of the traditional course structure requiring participants to read materials/watch videos prior to attending class so that class time may be spent working on group activities that reinforce learning outcomes
Individual and team assignments Exercises that require individual and team contributions
Case Studies Problem-solving exercises using the case study method
Online engagement Use of an internet-based platform to enhance learning opportunities
Pre-work Participants are expected to prepare/read materials prior to arriving to class to jump-start the learning process

The deliverable for this program includes a case study that focuses on a general leadership scenario; the final product will consist of a group project that analyzes a particular case or event and an interactive presentation of findings to the class and a panel of supervisors.

Course Schedule

Fall 2016 Schedule
Location Arlington Police Academy, 6000 West Pioneer Parkway Arlington, TX 76013
Course Dates Mondays and Wednesdays, November 7 through December 16 2016 (Nov 7&9, 14&16, 28&30, Dec 5&7, 14&16)


Executive Leadership Series

Executive Leadership Series

This 16-day program is specifically geared toward majors and captains.  This program seeks to emphasize the importance of leadership in an organizational and community context.  Course content will include material in the core content areas of decision-making, communication, management, and leadership.  This program meets once per week for an academic semester.  At the end of the program, participants will be able to meet the following program learning objectives:

  • Produce effective communication
  • Support management techniques
  • Discuss leadership principles
  • Transform decision-making

Modes of instruction in this program may include:

Lecture Traditional instruction from subject matter experts
Flipped classroom A reversal of the traditional course structure requiring participants to read materials/watch videos prior to attending class so that class time may be spent working on group activities that reinforce learning outcomes
Individual and team assignments Exercises that require individual and team contributions
Case Studies Problem-solving exercises using the case study method
Online engagement Use of an internet-based platform to enhance learning opportunities
Pre-work Participants are expected to prepare/read materials prior to arriving to class to jump-start the learning process

Deliverables include a leadership statement and a legacy statement. Participants will also develop career pathways and a career planning document.  Participants will utilize current research in policing (journals, briefs, etc.) to identify an area of interest for a research project. They will develop a literature review based on that topic, and then explain how their research will inform a specific project that will be considered their “leadership legacy” within their department. Majors will identify a need or gap within their department, develop a specific program or policy to address it, plan the implementation of that project, and discuss any potential challenges and solutions. They will explain clearly how their particular plan will benefit the department. The final product will be a presentation to a panel of police executives, and a professional document that CPI will publish as part of its “Big Ideas in Policing” series.  

Course Schedule

Spring 2016 Schedule
Location UNT College of Law
1901 Main Street
Dallas, Texas 75201
Course Dates Feb. 1 - May 11
Classes meet every Monday from 8am - 5pm


Field Officer Training Series

Field Training Officer Series

This 10-day program is specifically geared toward officers whose job it is to train new police officers.  This program seeks to introduce participants to teaching techniques specifically for adult learners that will assist them in better training young officers.  Course content includes emphasis on emotional intelligence, evaluation techniques, feedback and motivation, and communication.  The program will take place over a two month period (one week/month).  At the end of the program, participants will be able to meet the following program learning objectives:

  • Establish effective communication
  • Implement management techniques
  • Apply leadership principles
  • Employ decision-making

Modes of instruction in this program may include:

Lecture Traditional instruction from subject matter experts
Flipped classroom A reversal of the traditional course structure requiring participants to read materials/watch videos prior to attending class so that class time may be spent working on group activities that reinforce learning outcomes
Individual and team assignments Exercises that require individual and team contributions
Case Studies Problem-solving exercises using the case study method
Online engagement Use of an internet-based platform to enhance learning opportunities
Pre-work Participants are expected to prepare/read materials prior to arriving to class to jump-start the learning process

Deliverables for FTO program participants include a group project that will be an analysis of a rookie based on a case study; as a group, participants will make recommendations and then use their findings to analyze the current evaluation module, identifying strengths, weakness and opportunities to develop police officers through that evaluation system.

FTO program participants will also graduate with a “training philosophy” and a “training impact statement”. The first outlines the values that inform personal individual training procedures, and the second is a broad statement about the impact that they wish to have on trainees.

Course Schedule

Fall 2016 Schedule
Location Tarrant County Community College, Northwest Campus 4801 Marine Creek Parkway, Fort Worth, TX 76179
Course Dates Week 1: Nov 14-18, 2016
Week 2: Dec 5-9, 2016



Financial & Cyber Crimes: Complex Cyber Crimes Investigations

Financial and Cyber Crimes

A two-part seminar presented by DPD detectives with expertise in financial and cybercrimes. Learn investigative techniques, current trends, emerging technological considerations, and the new realities of policing cybercrimes.

Next Session: July 28 & 29
UNT Dallas, 7400 University Hills, Dallas, TX 75241
Building 2, Room 138
$50 each day, can register separately or together

Day Two: Complex Cyber Crimes Investigations

  • Types- Network Intrusions, social engineering, theft of credentials, State supported cyber theft and social networking site hacking.
  • Hackers will be discussed and the types of hackers.
  • Hackers working as activists will be discussed, and how law enforcement should handle these attacks, cyber groups like Anonymous will be discussed and the role the group has taken in the cyber world.
  • Cyber Crimes Trends intelligence will be discussed and how these trends are affecting local law enforcement agencies.
  • Malware, Crypto Virus, Zeus, Black Shade and several other viruses will be discussed and how they are changing cybercrime investigations. Ransomware and how to explain what is happing to the victims, and how money is extorted from millions of Americans.
  • Mobile phones will be discussed and how hackers are targeting phones in this new environment of cybercrime.
  • The Apple Iphone will be discussed and the technology in question that led to the possible United States Attorney’s Office and Apple case.
  • Business e-mail compromise number one scam being reported by the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).

Detective Stan Forney

July 29
Total Course Time: 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Break 10:30-10:45 | Lunch & Networking 12:15 – 1:15 | Break 3:15 – 3:30

Sign up for Part One (optional) »


Financial & Cyber Crimes: Fraud and Financial Crime

Financial and Cyber Crimes

A two-part seminar presented by DPD detectives with expertise in financial and cybercrimes. Learn investigative techniques, current trends, emerging technological considerations, and the new realities of policing cybercrimes.

Next Session: July 28 & 29
UNT Dallas, 7400 University Hills, Dallas, TX 75241
Building 2, Room 138
$50 each day, can register separately or together

Part One: Fraud and Financial Crimes

Detectives Jason Sibley and Justin Bowen will be facilitating a class centered on fraud and financial related investigations. Discussion topics will include forgery, credit card abuse, identity theft-related offenses, embezzlement and common scams citizens are victimized by. The detectives will discuss investigative techniques, current trends and share case studies.

Detectives Jason Sibley  and Justin Bowen

July 28, 2016
Total Course Time: 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Break 10:30-10:45 | Lunch & Networking 12:15 – 1:15 | Break 3:15 – 3:30

Sign up for Part Two (optional) »


Fitness Center Memberships

Please see below for the Spring & Summer 2014 UNT Dallas Fitness Center Membership fees.
If you plan on using the facility, one of the memberships below must be purchased.

Spring and Summer 2014 UNT Dallas Fitness Center Memberships

Option 1: Spring 2014: $30.00
Option 2: Summer 2014: $15.00
Option 3: Spring & Summer 2014 $40.00

Memberships for Fitness Center usage will be verified periodically.
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact Teresa Espino at Teresa.Espino@unt.edu

If you are currently enrolled as student at UNT Dallas, you will not need to purchase a membership as it is included in your UNT Dallas student fees.

ID Replacement Fee

Lose something?

At any time, you may purchase a replacement of your UNT Dallas ID card. Come by the Help Desk in Founders Hall room 127 to have your replacement card made.


Please allow for 24 to 48 hours for the receipt to be received and processed by the department.