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Research Integrity & Compliance

Annual Faculty Compliance Memo

Research Integrity and Compliance helps faculty decipher local and federal regulations pertaining to ethical integrity and compliance so that their research projects adhere to current standards. The goal is to equip faculty with essential information and assistance before a research project begins. Disclosure and a thorough analysis of all elements are intrinsic to this process. Our professionals bring extensive expertise and are here to help researchers meet their responsibilities.

Two common areas subject to review and approval are the use of both human subjects and vertebrate animals for research projects. Specific regulations govern the care and use of live, laboratory animals for testing, research and training, and federal regulations and ethical standards protect human beings and their use as subjects in research. Additionally, the use of biohazards or radiation materials in projects also requires strict safety regulations and review, and export controls may apply if your project involves commodities, technology or information governed by federal law for reasons of national security, advancement of foreign policy goals, or protections of trade.

The University of North Texas holds its research to the highest standards of research integrity. Research Integrity & Compliance staff know the rules that pertain to these areas and can both explain and administer the review processes so that faculty projects move forward. Staff help faculty determine if their research projects will be impacted by these regulations and, if so, what standards and procedures are necessary to ensure compliance. Staff also assist faculty in preparing forms and research protocols for submission to the appropriate review committees—composed of UNT faculty, staff, and community representatives. The Research Integrity & Compliance team provides support to these committees, too, to assure comprehension of guidelines and adherence in the respective areas. Matters of ethical integrity, such as conflicts of interest and research misconduct, are also managed by this team.