Open Access @ UNT is an initiative that provides information about the open access movement and engages researchers at UNT by providing information about UNT's adoption of an institutional open access policy.

This website provides links to resources about open access information about the annual symposium and other news and events related to open access.


Open Access Symposium 2016 banner image

Thursday, May 19, 2016 to Friday, May 20, 2016

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The program for UNT's Open Access Symposium 2016, featuring presentations and interactive sessions led by researchers and librarians based in the US, Canada, UK, and the Netherlands from various fields of study, is now available.

Alexandra Elbakyan, the founder of Sci-Hub who has been compared to Edward Snowden and Aaron Swartz, will speak at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, May 20.  We will begin the day a half hour earlier than originally planned for this special presentation by Skype. We plan to record this and many other sessions during the symposium for viewing later.

As you may have heard, we are in the process of confirming a late-breaking remote speaker for the program for the Open Access Symposium 2016: Alexandra Elbakyan, the founder of Sci-Hub who has been compared to Edward Snowden and Aaron Swartz. Once this is confirmed, we will adjust the schedule to accommodate.

The three conference hotels had filled up for the night of Thursday, May 19. We've just asked two of the hotels to add rooms at the discounted rate. It's not too late to line up your accommodation: see travel and accommodations!