Employment Law

Unpaid Wages

You must get paid for the work you do. That's what both federal and state laws require. The Texas Work Force Commission is a great resource that helps people get you paid for the work they've performed. There are other ways of making sure you're properly compensated, and if you're not sure how to proceed, stop by our office.


Texas is an at-will employment state, which allows employers to demote or fire someone for good cause, bad cause, or no cause at all. There is a limit, though – you cannot be treated differently on the basis of your gender, religious beliefs, medical condition (if you can still perform the essential duties of the job with reasonable accommodation), race or nation of origin. If you feel you've been treated differently in a way that has negatively affected your work status, document your situation and visit our office without delay. We can help you understand the necessary steps you need to take in order to take action.