CLUES for the #DiscoverPACS Scavenger Hunt!!

Take a journey to #DiscoverPACS.  Once you solve the clue, take a picture and post to Twitter or Facebook (either your own, your department’s or the college’s).  Don’t forget to use #DiscoverPACS and/or #Wingspan2016.  Rules: Photos must be taken during the duration of the competition (this week) and must be original (no internet photos or other’s photos).  Remember, there will be a total of two winners: one for the first student to solve all 25 clues, and one with the most likes on a single photo.  Each winner will receive a $100 Visa gift card.  There is a reception April 15th at 2:30 pm on the second floor foyer in Chilton Hall to recognize the winners. Click here to enlarge the clues!

Date of News Story: 
Monday, April 11, 2016