Looking for ways to handle holiday stress this year? Check out these holiday stress reduction tips.


Do you have another suggestion for handling stress during the holidays? Share it with us below.

During the holidays, it might seem impossible to find a spare minute for yourself. Yes, you can do it all this season--and keep your sanity. Here's how.
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Congratulations to all of the students who graduated this past weekend! We are so proud of you and wish you the best!

Congratulations to all of the students who graduated this past weekend! We are so proud of you and wish you the best!
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We hope everyone is doing great on their final exams and projects!

The Student Health and Wellness Center will be completely closed on Monday, December 15, 2015 for staff trainings. December 16-23, we will be open from 8am-12pm and 1-5pm Monday through Friday for prescription refill requests, medical record requests, and payments.

The Clinic and Pharmacy will be closed during these times, so please make sure to come in tomorrow to see the doctor or pharmacy if you will need something before we reopen to see patients on January 5, 2015.

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You have 10 minutes left to check in for today's blood drive. We have had a great turnout so far and would love for you to help us finish strong. We are in Chestnut Hall 324.

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If you have time between 10 and 3 today, stop by Chestnut Hall 324 to donate blood. Each blood donation can save up to 3 lives. We are looking for 20 volunteers for today's blood drive. Just remember to bring your photo ID to the event to save time.

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Thanks to the 100 students who came out for World AIDS Day today! Let us know what you thought of today's event. You can message us here, send an email to kstanhope@unt.edu, or by phone at 940-565-2418.

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You have 15 minutes still before we stop accepting people for free STD testing. Hurry to get $250 of testing for no charge.

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What's better than free STD testing? How about free pizza while you wait! Get checked in by 3pm in Chestnut Hall to take advantage of this free service.

What's better than free STD testing? How about free pizza while you wait! Get checked in by 3pm in Chestnut Hall to take advantage of this free service.
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Come join us for World AIDS Day in Chestnut Hall 120A&B. We are doing free STD testing until 3 pm. Please allow an hour for testing.

UNT Student Health and Wellness Center's photo.
UNT Student Health and Wellness Center's photo.
UNT Student Health and Wellness Center's photo.
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Once again, It is LAB SPECIALS WEEK! For more information go to the following link about our laboratory here at the Student Health and Wellness Center!

The Student Health and Wellness Center operates a full-service clinical laboratory which provides hematological, chemical, and bacteriological testing. The lab also accepts orders from outside physicians.
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This Wednesday the Student Health and Wellness Center is holding an event to celebrate World AIDS Day! The Student Health and Wellness Center is partnering with Abounding Prosperity Incorporated to provide free STD testing on a first come first served basis! If you would like more information call 940-565-2787 or 940-565-2418

This Wednesday the Student Health and Wellness Center is holding an event to celebrate World AIDS Day! The Student Health and Wellness Center is partnering with Abounding Prosperity Incorporated to provide free STD testing on a first come first served basis! If you would like more information call 940-565-2787 or 940-565-2418
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Your opinion regarding our services at the UNT Student Health & Wellness Center makes a difference!

Please complete our Satisfaction Survey at: http://tinyurl.com/SHWC-Fall-2014-Survey. All students completing the survey will be entered into a random drawing for a free 30-minute massage at the Meadows Center for Health Resources in Chestnut Hall. If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact Dana Sachs at 940-565-2157 or Stephanie Fields-Hawkins at 940-565-4332.

Your opinion regarding our services at the UNT Student Health & Wellness Center makes a difference!  

Please complete our Satisfaction Survey at: http://tinyurl.com/SHWC-Fall-2014-Survey.  All students completing the survey will be entered into a random drawing for a free 30-minute massage at the Meadows Center for Health Resources in Chestnut Hall.    If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact Dana Sachs at 940-565-2157 or Stephanie Fields-Hawkins at 940-565-4332.

In honor of Non-Traditional Students Week, we will be staying open late TODAY for tours of the clinic. This will be from 6:30-8:00pm! All students are welcome to drop by. We will also have snacks and giveaways while supplies last!!

In honor of Non-Traditional Students Week, we will be staying open late TODAY for tours of the clinic. This will be from 6:30-8:00pm! All students are welcome to drop by. We will also have snacks and giveaways while supplies last!!
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We have had reports that Orgsync has not been playing well with others this week, so therefore we have extended the deadline for Student Health Advisory Committee applications to Sunday, October 12, 2014 at 5pm. If you are interested in getting involved on campus, have a passion for helping others lead healthier lives or just want to share your ideas, then apply now at https://orgsync.com/70970/forms/119391.

Membership requirements include a 1-2 hours commitment each month to attend the SHAC meeting and assist with Health Center programs. All UNT students are welcome to apply.

To login, select your community below Your community uses a single sign-on system to authenticate users.

Want to prevent the Zombie Apocalypse?

Then get your flu vaccination today while supplies last? Vaccinations are free for UNT students and only $15 for UNT faculty and staff.

Vaccinations are being provided at the SHWC this morning until 11:15 and 1-4:30 this afternoon. Supplies are running out so get your vaccination today.


Disclaimer: Getting your flu vaccination has yet to be scientifically proven to prevent zombification, mainly because most academic testing on the phenomenon has proven fatal- err, difficult to fund. However, the CDC has documentation that suggests the flu vaccine can reduce the effect of the flu virus and even prevent infection from certain strains.

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Want to prevent the Zombie Apocalypse? 

 Then get your flu vaccination today while supplies last? Vaccinations are free for UNT students and only $15 for UNT faculty and staff.

 Vaccinations are being provided at the SHWC this morning until 11:15 and 1-4:30 this afternoon. Supplies are running out so get your vaccination today.

 Disclaimer: Getting your flu vaccination has yet to be scientifically proven to prevent zombification, mainly because most academic testing on the phenomenon has proven fatal- err, difficult to fund. However, the CDC has documentation that suggests the flu vaccine can reduce the effect of the flu virus and even prevent infection from certain strains.
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Check out the Halloween Special the Student Health and Wellness Center is having all next week! Test or Treat is offering half priced STD testing on the second floor of Chestnut Hall! For more information call 940-565-2333!

Check out the Halloween Special the Student Health and Wellness Center is having all next week! Test or Treat is offering half priced STD testing on the second floor of Chestnut Hall! For more information call 940-565-2333!
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