Criminalistics Certificate Program

In 2010, the criminalistics program opened its Crime Scene City where many classes are now being held.

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The courses that are currently available through the department of criminal justice consist of Introduction to Criminalistics, Advanced Criminalistics I and Advanced Criminalistics II. Introduction to Criminalistics will be offered each semester and is listed as a prerequisite for both advanced classes, however, enrollment in either advanced class is possible with instructor approval. Also, it is not necessary to take Advanced Criminalistics I before taking Advanced II II. Concurrent enrollment in Introduction to Criminalistics and either of the advanced classes is permissible. These classes are required as part of the certificate program in criminalistics now offered through the department of criminal justice. Prospective students should consult with academic advisor Janelle DeGagne in the PACS advising office for details.

Introduction to Criminalistics – This is a survey course designed to give students an overview of the field of criminalistics. The focus will be on the application of the scientific method in the solving of crimes with particular emphasis on laboratory capabilities in the examination of physical evidence. Topics to be included are latent prints, trace evidence (hairs, fibers, glass, paint, soil, etc.), firearms/toolmarks, footwear/tire tread evidence, controlled substances/clandestine drug labs and arson investigation/analysis.

Advanced Criminalistics I – The prerequisite for this class is Introduction to Criminalistics or the instructor's approval. This class will focus on the areas of firearms/tool mark identification, footwear/tire tread identification and bloodstain pattern analysis.

Advanced Criminalistics II – The prerequisite for this class is Introduction to Criminalistics or the instructor's approval. This class will focus on the areas of latent print examination, the analysis of controlled substances, trace evidence examinations and arson investigation.