Career Mentoring

Provided by Career Center

Getting Involved

Alumni Participation in Student Programs

Participation as presenter, panelist or mentor in UNT student programs (e.g., industry-specific networking events, career days, skill/knowledge-development workshops, company presentations, etc.). For further information on proximate opportunities or if you are interested in participating in them, please call (940) 565-2105 or email the Career Center at

Alumni Mentoring

At the University of North Texas Career Center, the role of mentor can encompass as much or as little as you have time and energies for.  Your role could be as simple as answering questions from students via e-mail or personally meeting with a student or students aspiring to obtain a career similar to yours.

Mentoring Opportunities:

Mentor Match-is a database of alumni who have volunteered to assist UNT students with their career development questions via e-mail correspondence.  Mentors can determine the number of student contacts per month depending on time available. As a mentor, you may be contacted to participate in the following: 
• Email Networking with Students 
• Conduct Informational Interviews 
• Provide Resume/Cover Letter Critiques and/or Mock Interviews

Mentor-On-Duty-The Career Center has designated a handful of days throughout the academic year to host "Mentors on Duty." The Mentor on Duty program is a small commitment of time and allows students the opportunity to meet one-on-one for 15-30 minutes with an alumni or employer in an occupation of interest. As a Mentor on Duty, you'll answer questions of the students, provide insight and share advice.

Click here to register in the Mentor Match Database!

Thank you in advance for your willingness to share your career knowledge and expertise! We sincerely appreciate your willingness to give back!