The Catalog

Contains descriptive records for several million items that are available at UNT (physically or online). Includes many material types from books, movies, and music, to more specialized items like government reports and educator resources.

Articles & Online Subscription Materials

We subscribe to hundreds of online sources and many provide full-text access to materials online. Here are a few suggestions for getting started.

For Your Course

Do you need research materials for a specific class at UNT? Try these sources.

  • Course Reserves - search by course or professor
  • Audio Reserves
  • Video on Demand
  • Need a journal or articles? Use the search box above or search by journal's title

UNT's Unique Collections & Materials

We maintain a diverse and growing collection of research materials on a broad range of topics, many of which cannot be found anywhere else. Some items are available on campus only, but many are available online. Explore our collections and create something new.

U.S. Government, Texas, & Genealogical Resources

The UNT Library is a designated Federal Depository Library, making government publications freely available to the public. We also operate one of the nations most comprehensive digital repositories of materials related to Texas History.

UNT Scholarship & University Archives

Looking for past works by UNT faculty and students, official publications or records? Start here.

Beyond Our Collections

If we don't have something you need it can often be requested and delivered using our Interlibrary Loan service. Here are a few tools to help search outside of UNT's walls.

Initiatives & Support

Are you a UNT Faculty member, student, or other scholar looking to disseminate or archive your research activities? We can help.