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Cayuse SP for electronic proposal routing


How do I access Cayuse SP?

I cannot log in / My login/password failed.

I already set up my Cayuse SP access, but cannot log back in / Access has been denied

General Questions

What is Cayuse SP and what does it do for me?

Are the PI/Co-PI roles the same in Cayuse SP?

Does the Conflict of Interest (COI) page in Cayuse SP replace the UNT annual Significant Financial Interest Disclosure (SFID) form?

My sponsor or subcontractor is not available in Cayuse SP, what do I do?

What documents should be attached to my electronic proposal before routing?

Routing and Approval

What is the order of approval for electronic proposal routing in Cayuse SP?

If there is no cost share, no buy-out or course release, no new or renovated space, and standard F&A (IDC) distribution, how may I route my completed electronic proposal directly to OGCA through Cayuse SP?

Is routing the electronic proposal through Cayuse SP the same action as the Principal Investigator/s certifying the proposal?

I am a Lead PI or PI on a proposal, how do I certify the proposal?

The Lead PI is the Chair, Dean or center Director, will he/she need to certify and then approve the proposal?

If a PI has a dual appointment how is credit allocated to both departments?

May a PI submit an electronic proposal for routing in Cayuse SP? 

Will all departmental approvers receive an email to complete the routing process in Cayuse SP?

Cayuse 424 for Grants.gov only


How do I access Cayuse 424?

I cannot log in / My login/password failed.

I already set up my Cayuse 424 access, but cannot log back in / Access has been denied

General Questions

What documents should be attached to my Cayuse 424 proposal?