Books / Scores / Other Regular Circulating Items

Most books, scores, and a number of other kinds of items within our collections are considered regular circulating materials unless noted as “non-circulating,” or placed on reserves.  These materials are located at various locations and may be checked out at one of our service desks.

* IMPORTANT: All regular circulating items are subject to be recalled by other patrons. Please see the hold and recall policies for important information about 6 week and semester checkout periods, as well as the overdue materials section of the fines policy for changes to fines rates when items are recalled.


User Type Loan Period* Renewals Allowed* Check Out Limits Fines Rate*
Undergraduate Students 3 Weeks Yes No Limit  $0.35 cents per day, 
$39.90 maximum fine
Graduate Students Semester Yes No Limit  $0.35 cents per day,  
$39.90 maximum fine
Doctoral Students Semester Yes No Limit  $0.35 cents per day,  
$39.90 maximum fine
Honors Students 6 Weeks Yes No Limit  $0.35 cents per day,  
$39.90 maximum fine
Faculty Semester Yes No Limit --
Staff Semester Yes No Limit --
Retired Faculty and Staff Semester Yes No Limit --
Other Patrons


Courtesy Card Holders


3 Weeks Yes 10 items  $0.35 cents per day,  
$39.90 maximum fine

TexShare Academic Library

and Texas Woman's University

3 Weeks Yes No Limit  $0.35 cents per day,  
$39.90 maximum fine
TexShare Public Library 3 Weeks Limit: 1 Renewal 5 items  $0.35 cents per day,  
$39.90 maximum fine

*If you are an unenrolled graduate student or an unenrolled undergraduate student, please contact Access Services at 940-565-2413 regarding checkout privileges.