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  • Research is an important aspect of the Learning Technologies Department. Research projects increase the knowledge within our field while allowing graduate students to be actively involved in projects that enhance their educational experience.

    The LT Department has a strong history of enhancing its research and reputation through grant funding. Since 2000, more than 20 million dollars in research funding has been obtained through the centers in LT: the Texas Center for Educational Technology (TCET) – one of the oldest research centers at UNT, the Institution for the Integration of Technology into Teaching and Learning (IITTL), and the Center for Knowledge Solutions (the newest LT center). In addition to the three research centers, the Department of Learning Technologies has two research labs. The Technology and Applied Research in Autism Laboratory (TARA Lab) and the Joint Research Laboratory (JoRel).

    • Center for Knowledge Solutions
    • Texas Center for Educational Technology
    • Institute for the Integration of Technology into Teaching and Learning
    • Joint Research Laboratory
    • Technology and Applied Research in Austism Laboratory