Early Learning Initiative Towards Education

Provided by Office of Outreach

Early Learning Initiatives Toward Education

College awareness targeting students in elementary school, middle school, and early high school comprises of ELITE initiatives. It is through these programs that young students, public school teachers (and parents) are introduced or reintroduced to the University of North Texas and its outstanding academic programs. 

Providing the tools of college awareness and access by linking the imagination with reality.

UNT’s ELITE (Early Learning Initiative Toward Education) is an organization formerly known as Champions of Outreach that represents the Office of Outreach and the Early Years Program. ELITE Mentors are a diverse body of students that represent the variety of cultures, majors, interests, and talents that make up UNT. The organization motivates students to further their education beyond high school by exposing them to our university, classroom, and traditions. We host schools/community organizations in grades 3rd-9th by providing campus tours, college readiness workshops, career exploration, and activities that inform students about opportunities to further their success. ELITE mentors work to create an atmosphere in which individual differences are utilized to create unique opportunities for the thousands of young students impacted each year by the organization. For more information about ELITE call (940) 369-7391 or email irae.yoo@unt.edu

ELITE’s goal is to make a positive difference in the lives of tomorrow’s leaders.

Campus Visits

For information regarding tours for high school students (10th through 12th grade) please visit http://tours.unt.edu/

Office of Outreach hosts 3rd through 9th grade students from all corners of Texas (and beyond) with the hope of inspiring young scholars to continue their education beyond high school. In keeping with the Outreach mission to “create a college going culture,” free University of North Texas campus tours are made available to schools and organizations.

Goal of Campus Tour

To inspire elementary, middle, and early-high school students to continue their education at the collegiate level by

  • Providing a platform for career exploration
  • Linking students to UNT students that model different pathways of success
  • Allowing students the opportunity to engage in college readiness activities
  • Connecting the concept of college readiness to students’ current grade level

Tour Options

Student Panel (UNT students dispel myths about college and share their college experience)

Campus Dining Tour of Dorms
Student Services Sky Theatre
Texas Academy of Math and Science College of Music
College of Visual Arts and Design UNT Library Systems
Discovery Park Performance Hall Productions

Visit Requirements

  • 60 students maximum per tour group. Large groups will be given the option to reserve multiple dates to accommodate full group.
  • One adult chaperone for every 10 students.
  • On campus dining arrangements must be confirmed at least 10 business days prior to date of visit. Cancelation of dining services must be made 10 business days prior to scheduled tour date.

Visit Request Form

To request a UNT campus tour please complete the Visit Request Form.


  • Generation Texas ignites a college-going and career-ready culture across Texas by providing students with the inspiration and information needed to take on the path to college and career education.
  • College Board created an action plan for students at the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior levels of high school.  Each phase has suggestions to prepare the student for the college application process.
  • Kids2College provides a teacher’s guide and full curriculum designed for low-income and minority sixth grade students