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Graduate Admissions

Two applications must be completed in order to be accepted to enter the graduate study program at the UNT College of Music. 

Ph.D. and M.A. applicants need only complete steps 1 and 2 below. See Degree-Specific Graduate Admissions Requirements.

Graduate Admissions Procedure

Step 1: Apply to the University of North Texas

The applicant must apply for admission to the UNT Toulouse Graduate School. Applications must be completed online at www.tsgs.unt.edu. There is a fee for this application. The applicant will receive an email from UNT which includes an EUID and pin. This process can take several weeks. Follow the instructions in that email to activate your EUID, then proceed to step 2.

Graduate applicants to UNT are evaluated holistically, based on specific departmental and program requirements.  In the past, successful candidates usually have met certain GPA minima:

  • 3.00 GPA in the undergraduate degree for admission to the Master's program;
  • Or 3.50 GPA in the undergraduate degree for direct admission to Doctoral programs;
  • Or 3.50 GPA in Masters-level studies for admission to Doctoral programs

Step 2: Apply to the UNT College of Music

Complete the on-line College of Music application This is your application for admission, audition, scholarship, fellowships and assistantships.

There is no fee for the College of Music Application. For best results we recommend using Chrome, Firefox or Safari when completing your application. View a sample application.

The on-line application will require you to submit names and email addresses of three people whom you wish to recommend you for music study at UNT. Only complete applications can be submitted.

Acceptance to the College of Music is contingent upon acceptance to the UNT Toulouse Graduate School. The Dean of Toulouse Graduate School will notify applicants of their acceptance to the university. The College of Music Director of Admissions will notify applicants of their acceptance to the College of Music. 

PLEASE NOTE: To be considered for admission in the fall semester, preference will be given to applications received by the first Monday in December. Applications received after that date will be reviewed, and auditions will be scheduled on a case-by-case basis depending on space availability.


Step 3: Complete the audition

Applicants for admission to the M.M. or D.M.A. degree programs in performance or GACMP must pass an admission audition before a faculty jury. Auditions are held on the dates specified on the application.

View our repertoire requirements.

Please refer to the Jazz website for additional jazz requirements. 

For scholarship consideration, for priority consideration the audition must be completed by the last on-campus audition day. Live auditions are preferred. If you are unable to audition in person, follow the directions on the College of Music application to electronically submit a high quality recorded video audition by using youtube.comvimeo.com, or similar web service.  If these websites are unavailable to you, try using www.tudou.com.

Applicants for admission to the M.M. and D.M.A. degree programs in conducting must submit the College of Music application and preliminary audition video by the first Monday in December. Qualified applicants will be invited to campus for a live audition and interview. For information regarding acceptance to the D.M.A. in conducting, see Audition Repertoire link above.

Fellowships and Assistantships

The UNT College of Music application also serves as your application for fellowships and assistantships. Teaching fellowships and assistantships are awarded each spring for the following academic year to qualified applicants. Preference for fellowship and assistantship awards will be given to those who audition no later than the Monday following the last on-campus audition day.

Scholarship Application

The UNT College of Music application also serves as your scholarship application.

Announcement of awards will begin on the first Monday in April.

The National Association of Schools of Music Code of Ethics Article V. requires that the acceptance of financial aid or the signing of a declaration of intent to attend a given institution shall not be binding if signed before April 15, of the calendar year of matriculation into a program of study at the graduate level.