Students work hard in college, so it helps to live healthy, reduce stress, blow off steam and improve fitness. UNT provides services to help students get well and stay healthy.

Student Health and Wellness Center

Counseling services


Safety and emergency

Health resources for the public

  • Speech and Hearing Center
    (Services include diagnostic and treatment services in speech-language pathology and audiology.)
  • Psychology Clinic
    (Services include individual and group therapy; marriage and family therapy; play therapy; behavior health services; intelligence, vocational and personality evaluations.)
  • Neurotherapy Lab
    (Services include biofeedback, neurotherapy, and quantitative electroencephalograph services.)
  • Child and Family Resource Clinic
    (Services include assessment, counseling, and parent education classes.)
  • Center for Play Therapy
    (Play therapy utilizes play, children's natural medium of expression, to help them express their feelings more easily through toys instead of words. The center provides play therapy services including individual play therapy, group play therapy, and parent training.)
  • Counseling and Human Development Center
    (Services include individual adult counseling, individual adolescent counseling, career counseling, couple counseling and play therapy)
  • The Family Connections Project
    (Intensive training sessions are designed to enhance the quality of relationships within families who have children with autism.)
  • Center for Sport Psychology and Performance Excellence
    (Provides sessions to improve mental toughness for individual athletes, coaches and leaders, and teams and groups)




Athletic summer camps for kids

University Union recreation


Spirit and traditions