North Texas Alumna Julia Smith (1905 – 1989), composer of “Glory to the Green”

Posted by & filed under 1920's, 1930's, 1940's, 1950's, 1960's, 1970's, 1980's.


You may hear her work every day and not even know it: Julia Smith composed the University of North Texas’ alma mater, “Glory to the Green,” which rings out from the clock tower every day at noon. Born in the town of Caldwell in Burleson County, Texas on January 25, 1905, young Julia Smith took… Read more »

Lights! Camera! University of North Texas!: Ann Sheridan Brings “Oomph” and Glamour to the University of North Texas

Posted by & filed under 1930's, 1940's.


The UNT Media Library began its exploration of UNT’s Hollywood history with a look at one of our first motion picture stars—the lovely and talented Joan “Rosebud” Blondell. Though the Media Library is certainly proud to claim Joan as one of our own, we now turn our attention to another alumna who, unlike Blondell, spent… Read more »

Lights! Camera! University of North Texas!: Joan Blondell (1906 – 1979)

Posted by & filed under 1920's.


As part of the University of North Texas’ 125th anniversary celebration, the Media Library presents the first in a series of posts paying tribute to our university’s motion picture history. While many may be aware of our starring role in the 1991 comedy, Necessary Roughness, Denton’s relationship with motion picture production actually began in 1913… Read more »

The ‘birds’ who know no defeat: The story of Scrappy the Eagle

Posted by & filed under 1920's, 1950's, 1960's, 1980's, 1990's.

UNTA_U0458-023-009_01 North Texas Mascot, circa 1980s

In the first twenty-two years of collegiate presence, North Texas State Normal College operated without a mascot; the students were coined the “Normalites.” During this time, the college was preparing to transition its name to North Texas State Teacher’s College. With the name change groundwork in process, the college’s administration also recognized an imperative need… Read more »