
All employment positions at the College of Law—including staff, administration, full-time faculty, part-time faculty, and adjunct faculty—will be posted on the Human Resources page of UNT Dallas.  

Once the College of Law posts a position on the UNT Dallas Human Resources site, the position might also appear in other locations, such as web sites or newspapers relating to higher education.  But the most immediate way to learn if there are any active postings is to visit UNT Dallas Human Resources


In September or early October, 2014, the UNT Dallas College of Law will post faculty positions for approximately 4 full-time faculty members teaching in various areas, including Contracts, Property, Business Associations, Trusts and Estates, Constitutional Law, Professional Responsibility, Evidence, and Sales. In addition, because the College of Law does not have a separate appointment “track” for instructors of legal writing, various faculty members in any given semester will teach a section of legal writing in addition to a doctrinal class.

The College of Law also will post a faculty position for a full-time faculty member with a primary concentration in the area of academic success, including best practices use of the data and information gained from the mapped curriculum, learning outcomes, and frequent formative and summative assessments used in the College of Law.

All faculty members at the COL will be involved in curricular and co-curricular activities and programs relating to student learning and professional formation throughout law school.

Because the educational program will strive for excellence in developing practice-related competencies, faculty members will be expected to follow best instructional practices, including multiple formative and summative assessment; to design courses in ways that make best use of technology; to follow a curriculum mapped to practice-related competencies; to develop, use, and revise learning outcomes; and to participate in course and program assessment. The College of Law will support faculty in these areas by providing training, course design expertise, and learning management system support.

As to scholarship, given the mission and goals of the UNT Dallas College of Law, the definition of scholarship is intended to be broad, including scholarship that is valuable to lawyers and judges, that relates to the teaching and learning process, or that relates to the profession or the formation of professional competencies.


In September, 2014, the College of Law will post openings for adjunct faculty positions. Adjunct faculty members will teach upper level courses, including required courses and electives, starting in the fall of 2015. We anticipate, and look forward to, working with superb lawyers who might be interested in and able to serve as adjunct faculty members. Adjunct faculty members will be key members of our teaching and learning community. Areas of teaching for which the College of Law is likely to seek adjunct faculty members include but are not limited to Family Law, Immigration Law, Sales, Employment, Health Care Law, Real Estate Transactions, Tax, and upper-level transactions courses, as well as upper-level courses in litigation, dispute resolution, negotiation and evidence.

For adjunct faculty, the College of Law seeks superb practitioners with a passion for students and teaching, and a commitment to the teaching and learning approach of the College of Law, which is highly collaborative, experiential to the extent appropriate, and uses multiple assessments throughout the semester.

Adjunct faculty members will be expected to follow the instructional and curricular practices of the College of Law, including use of the Canvas Learning Management System, learning outcomes, multiple assessments, and research and writing modules within a course, as appropriate, with support from other faculty as well as research librarians. The College of Law will support adjunct faculty in these areas by providing training, course design expertise, and learning management system support.

We remain grateful for the tremendous support and encouragement we have received from the exceptional DFW legal community.  If you have any questions about faculty, adjunct faculty, courses, and timing, feel free to contact Professor Ellen S. Pryor at ellen.pryor@untsystem.edu, or at 214.752.5998.

View all UNT Dallas College of Law job postings.

Page last modified on September 25, 2014 at 5:09 pm.