Strategic Plan 2011-2015 Completion

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In 2010 the University of North Texas Libraries adopted a five year goal of becoming a stronger research library within five years as measured by accomplishments in five strategic goals that significantly advance the research value of the UNT Libraries. The selection of these five strategic goals was informed by a broadly based environmental scan and conversations with the UNT community. These goals were implemented by meeting a series of targets during the five years detailed in the plan.

At the end of this five year period, I am happy to report that the goals of the five year plan were achieved. In the Fall semester of 2015 the Libraries will be issuing a report of the outcomes of this five year plan, and engaging in discussions with the UNT Community about where we are and where we're going next. In the course of completing this ambitious five year plan the UNT Libraries have been significantly improved in terms of services, collections, and facilities. The plan's five strategic goals were as follows:

  1. CREATIVE PARTNERSHIPS: Establish creative partnerships that enhance the academic experience through exploring and fostering ideas and discovery. Results: The library was extremely successful in generating funds for new collaborative endeavors and expanding our partnerships both inside the campus and with external library consortia. The library received an average over a full three year period of $1 Million annually in grants and contracts, and attracted in excess of $3M in donations for the UNT Libraries as recorded by the UNT division of advancement. The UNT Libraries not only participated in many consortia nationally, but served as the lead institution in founding and fostering the Cross Timbers Library Collaborative, a dynamic new library consortium in the greater DFW region.
  2. INNOVATIVE SERVICES: Develop programs that engage, empower, and inspire the University community in the pursuit of knowledge. Results: The libraries rolled out a tremendous range of new innovative services in this period, including the campus scholarly works repository, a new comprehensive discovery layer for all library resources, and award winning library outreach efforts.
  3. SCHOLARLY USAGE: Integrate the library into the research initiatives of the University and regularly assess this integration. Results: The libraries created a comprehensive assessment program during this period, and undertook a range of baseline assessment efforts in gauging the effects of library services on student learning outcomes.
  4. QUALITY COLLECTIONS: Create physical and virtual collections which support scholarship and research by connecting the past, present, and future. Results: The library significantly grew its collections during this period, especially in the area of unique archives and digital library materials. The Portal to Texas History alone grew from from 50K titles in 2009 to 587K today! Major new research collections were acquired in LGBT studies and Texas News history, collections that will make UNT a destination for scholars for decades to come.
  5. WELL-DESIGNED SPACES: Provide well-designed physical and virtual spaces that foster academic community and encourage intellectual inquiry and exchange. Results: A huge number of physical facilities enhancements took place during this period. Highlights include the construction of the Research Collections Library, the renovation of the Eagle Commons Library, the implementation of the wildly popular new Library Cafe called the "Study", the exciting new library makerspace, and the renovation of the second floor of Willis Library.

Stay tuned in Fall 2015 for more information about the conclusion of our five year strategic plan, and the next directions for the UNT Libraries!

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