After fly fishing on Oregon's McKenzie River, Steve Fleischman connects his experience to the Every Student Succeeds Act and the practical choices educators make when determining how rigorous evidence should be when planning their school improvement efforts.
Fly Fishing and Evidence Use in Education
We profile three Oregon schools that are changing their policy and practice to keep students in class and create an equitable learning environment.
Making Strides Toward Ending Discipline Disparities

Now Part of Education Northwest: The Institute for Youth Success

two young female students looking at the camera

Playing a vital role in supporting youth programs, the Institute for Youth Success has merged with Education Northwest to create a full-service, innovative regional center to support best practices at youth serving organizations.Learn More

Upcoming Events

6+1 Trait Writing Institute: Improving Student Writing for Diverse Learners
June 21–22, 2017 - Portland, OR.

Our 6+1 Trait Writing institute series is one of the premier professional development opportunities for educators in the country. This institute provides the training and tools to improve the way you teach and assess student writing.