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Technology Transfer & Economic Development

Technology Transfer and Economic Development manages the technology transfer process for all patent, trademark and copyright matters relating to the identification, protection and commercialization of inventions and other intellectual property created at UNT.

This team works to protect your intellectual property. UNT offers a generous patent policy. An advisory committee and property officer review faculty submissions of intellectual disclosures or inventions and determine whether patent protection should be pursued for Intellectual Property. Staff work closely with the faculty to communicate guidelines and advance research projects. This area also implements UNT Intellectual Property Policy with governmental entities and industry and serves the public interest by insuring that marketable forms of intellectual property are developed and made available.

The Technology Transfer and Economic Development team promotes economic development at Discovery Park, UNT’s off-site research hub and campus for the College of Engineering and the College of Information.  UNT actively pursues collaborations with the private sector to advance research and economic development through incubation and commercialization.  At Discovery Park, faculty, students, participating businesses and industries work in an enriched research and entrepreneurial learning environment with access to interdisciplinary expertise, diverse research methodologies, creative activities, state-of-the art equipment, labs and facilities—fertile ground for training and the development of technologies and ideas, with tangible R&D results.

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