Social Work

Your Future in social work

Are you sensitive to people and their challenges? Do you enjoy working in a variety of settings with individuals, families, groups or communities? Are you a good problem solver? Then you should pursue a Bachelor of Social Work degree at the University of North Texas.

Social work addresses societal concerns and the well-being of people to ensure they have equal access to resources, services and opportunities. Social workers encourage change by striving to end discrimination, oppression, poverty and other forms of social injustice. They work in many different settings, including:

  • Child welfare and family service agencies
  • Community mental health or substance abuse treatment centers
  • Nonprofit, government or private human service programs
  • Retirement centers, nursing homes or other aging programs for older people and their families
  • School or community programs to meet the needs of children

What we offer

Our program will provide you a solid foundation in the knowledge, skills and values necessary for the social work field and will prepare you for the required state licensing exam.

We also offer many opportunities to work with the community, practice skills, get involved in social work organizations and network from the beginning of your studies. As part of our curriculum, we have service learning projects in the introductory courses and practice courses that apply classroom knowledge to real-life situations.

Our faculty members are well-known researchers and practitioners with experience working in diverse areas such as:

  • Aging
  • Child welfare
  • Mental health
  • Program evaluation
  • Relationship violence
  • Social welfare policy
  • Spirituality
  • Teenage pregnancy

Their research has been published in recognized journals and presented regularly at national conferences.

The Social Work program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (1701 Duke St., Suite 200; Alexandria, Va. 22314; telephone 703-683-8080). This accreditation means we meet or exceed strict academic standards for excellence in social work education.

What to expect

You'll need to apply for admission to the program in your sophomore year. Admission is competitive and based on your performance in prerequisite classes, essays and the completion of a degree plan with a faculty member. An interview may also be required. The necessary course work will help you gain skills in advocacy, interpersonal communication and the social work problem-solving process. These classes focus on:

  • Ethnic and cultural diversity
  • Human behavior
  • Practice methods
  • Research
  • Social welfare policy

In addition to course work, a one semester internship at an approved practicum site is required. Internships could include working with women in a women's shelter, people with AIDS, children, older adults, people with mental illness or people with chronic or acute illnesses.

Our Career Center, Learning Center and professional academic advisors are among the many valuable resources available to you at UNT. The Career Center can provide advice about internships, future employment opportunities and getting hands-on experience in your major. The Learning Center offers workshops on speed reading, study skills and time management. Academic advisors will help you plan your class schedule each semester.


High school students

We encourage you to fulfill the graduation requirements for the distinguished level of achievement under the Texas Foundation, Recommended or Distinguished Achievement high school program or the equivalent.

In your junior year, take the SAT or ACT and have your scores sent to UNT.

In your senior year, apply for admission at by March 1 and request that your high school transcript be sent to the UNT admissions office.

Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses can count toward college credit at UNT.

Transfer students

If you're attending a Texas community college, you should consult our online transfer guides, the UNT Undergraduate Catalog and an academic counselor or advisor to review your degree plan. Proper planning will allow you to receive the maximum amount of transfer credits.

Our Transfer Center will help you make a successful transition to college life at UNT by connecting you with a peer mentor and other campus resources. Each year, 3,800 students transfer to UNT.