And Seldom is Heard

Listen to 88.1, The One, Sunday from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. for everything from true classics to modern, contemporary works on And Seldom is Heard.

Since February 1982, host Lloyd Sitkoff has been offering unmatched classical music variety on the And Seldom Is Heard show. There are no restrictions to the classical music mix on this 4-hour show.

Join Lloyd for the famous AND the forgotten. You can embrace all of the underrepresented pieces that are virtually shunned by commercial classical radio.

All genres are represented on And Seldom Is Heard: vocal music, choral music, organ music, instrumental music, modern music, opera and more.

Are you tired of a steady diet of mostly major label and marquee performers? Tune to 88.1, The One, on Sunday mornings for a peek into works released on small, private, historical, and independent labels.