

UNT EarthFest

Thursday April 21, 2016

4:00pm - 7:00pm - Library Mall

EarthFest is a sustainable event celebrating international Earth Day. This year’s event will have live entertainment, local vendors and student organizations, food, and educational activities. EarthFest aims to be a low-waste event featuring recycling and composting.

The International Fair & Market will join with EarthFest again this year to create a large event that celebrates global citizenship. The International Fair & Market will include vendors selling international items, henna tattoos, Study Abroad information, and Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) students writing names in various languages.

It is collaboratively hosted by Student Activities, UPC, the Office of Sustainability, and UNT-International and is free with current UNT ID.

UNT has supported environmental research and teaching since 1934. EarthFest is only one of the ways UNT helps to educate and spread environmental responsibility, but it's probably the most fun!

UNT Student Organizations and Departments

EarthFest is a great opportunity for student organizations and departments to showcase their services to over 1,500 students! 2016 STUDENT ORG & DEPARTMENT REGISTRATION IS OPEN!!! Registration closes on April 3rd​.

Department & Student Org Table Registration - Closes April 10th 


The Student Activities Center needs your help throughout this event. If you are interested in volunteering for EarthFest 2016, please fill out the form below. Registration closes on April 3rd.

EarthFest Volunteer Registration - Closes April 10th


EarthFest is an invaluable opportunity for you to market your business to over 4,500 students. If you would like to become a sponsor of EarthFest, please register by following the link below. Vendor registration will begin on February 8th. For information on the various sponsorship level options, please click on the link below.  

EarthFest Vendor Registration - Closed Sponsorship Levels

Please contact Student Activities at 940-565-3807 at least 7 days prior to request special accommodations.

If you have questions regarding EarthFest, please contact

Learn More about UNT Sustainability