
Department of Accounting

Accounting 3110 Intermediate I Qualifying Exam

The first ACCT 3110 qualifying exam was administered on April 30, 2016. Fifty-nine (59) students took the exam. Fifty-eight percent (58%) earned a Pass.

As stated in the current University of North Texas undergraduate catalog, ACCT 3110 (Intermediate Accounting I) prerequisites are as follows:

  1. Junior level qualifying exam with a passing grade of 70 percent or higher; and,
  2. ACCT 2010 and ACCT 2020 with a grade of C or better in both courses.

Students are allowed to register for ACCT 3110, but they must pass the qualifying exam before the beginning of their enrolled ACCT 3110 class. A student cannot take ACCT 3110 at the University of North Texas in the enrolling semester if he/she has not passed the qualifying exam prior to the beginning of the class. Exam dates are posted at the Department of Accounting website Please be alert to the last announced exam date before the beginning of your enrolled ACCT 3110 class.

The trademark of the Department of Accounting is its dedication in all areas of accounting: tax, audit, accounting information systems, industry, and government. The Department of Accounting is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

We are committed to preparing students for career development, life-long learning, and a global work environment. They strive to produce graduates who are technically competent, think independently, critically appraise situations, act in a responsible and ethical manner, and contribute positively and cooperatively to their employers and communities.

Many accounting graduates work in public accounting firms, Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. They are leaders in industry who have become CEOs, CFOs, COOs, and owners of corporate entities.

Our students learn to critically appraise situations, act responsibly and ethically, as well as become a strategic thinker and problem-solver. The "learn today, apply tomorrow" classroom philosophy is achieved within an accommodative and supportive learning environment that includes:

Students generate valuable industry contacts by participating in our student chapters of:
