To calculate your UNT GPA, you will review the grade point value with the attempted hours.

At UNT GPA is calculated by your grade point value:

A = 4 points per credit hour
B = 3 points per credit hour
C = 2 points per credit hour
D = 1 point per credit hour
F/WF = 0 points per credit hour

  1. Multiply hours attempted by the grade value earned for each class
  2. Total your number of grade points
  3. Divide total points by total of all your attempted hours
  4. That's your GPA!  Use the same formula to calculate all GPAs.

For example, Olivia made 1 A, 2 Bs, and 2 Cs her first semester at UNT.

Course Grade Grade Value Multiply Attempted Credit
Grade Points
ENGL 1310 B 3 * 3 9
ART 1300 C 2 * 3 6
DFST 1013 A 4 * 3 12
HMGT 1450 B 3 * 3 9
BIOL 1112 C 2 * 3 6
    Totals 15 42
Her total attempted hours are 15.
12+9+9+6+6=42 Grade Points.
   Total grade points earned divided by
total attempted hours: 42/15=2.8 GPA



GPA Calculator


*Disclaimer: The GPA Calculator is a tool to help with your grade planning ONLY. Please consult your academic advisor for specific questions about your individual GPA and academic standing.