Political Science

Your Future in Political Science

Are you fascinated by how government works? Do you follow current events and recent policy decisions? Are you interested in a political career? Then you should pursue a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science at the University of North Texas.

This degree prepares you for careers in government service, politics and private industry in the United States and abroad. You may:

  • Become a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. or a state capital
  • Become a lawyer or judge
  • Enter the foreign service, State Department or FBI
  • Work in a citizens' advocacy group

Our political science alumni include attorneys in the Dallas-Fort Worth region, two former assistant attorney generals of Texas, federal and state judges, and state, county and local legislators. Others fill management positions in private businesses or own companies, using the analytical and problem-solving skills they learned in our program.

What we offer

The Department of Political Science combines cutting-edge research with award-winning teaching to ensure your academic and career goals are met. Our courses provide a deep understanding of relevant issues in local, national and international governments.

We also offer courses leading to a certificate in legal studies. For more information on this certificate, email prelaw@unt.edu. To prepare you for law school and the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), we have courses emphasizing written and oral communication, research into problems facing society, logical reasoning and business practices.

Our faculty members are among the most active researchers in the field, and many are considered experts in their focus area. They've written books and articles for respected publications and received numerous grants to study:

  • Conflict and security research
  • Data visualization and text-mining
  • Democracy and elections in foreign countries
  • International human rights
  • Legislative behavior
  • Political parties and campaigning
  • Presidential use of force

We award several scholarships to help you pursue your degree. Scholarship information is available at our website.

The department provides several opportunities to supplement your learning with real-world experience. You may:

  • Assist a professor on a research project
  • Participate in a department-sponsored internship
  • Present research at a conference

We also oversee a study abroad program at The Hague, Netherlands.

You can meet other students who share your interest by joining one of UNT's politically affiliated student groups, the Pi Sigma Alpha national political science honor society or the Phi Alpha Delta law fraternity.

UNT has one of the state's top Moot Court programs, which provides experience in legal research, brief writing and oral argument. Moot Court is a simulation of an appellate court's proceedings.

For its contributions to the field, our department was selected to house the American Political Science Review , the premier research journal in the discipline.

We also oversee the Peace Studies program and the Castleberry Peace Institute. Our Peace Studies program is the only one at a four-year university in the Southwest, and the Castleberry Peace Institute houses the region's only peace studies research center. You can pursue a minor in Peace Studies.

What to expect

You may choose courses in American politics, public law, political theory, public policy, government and politics around the world and international relations. You'll also take one required course in political research methods. Several electives help you learn advanced research techniques, making you more competitive in the job market.

Political Science majors must complete necessary course work and meet departmental GPA requirements.

The Career Center, Learning Center and professional academic advisors are among the many valuable resources available to you at UNT. The Career Center can provide advice about internships, future employment opportunities and getting hands-on experience in your major. The Learning Center offers workshops on speed reading, study skills and time management. Academic advisors will help you plan your class schedule each semester.

How to enroll at UNT

High school students

We encourage you to fulfill the graduation requirements for the distinguished level of achievement under the Texas Foundation, Recommended or Distinguished Achievement high school program or the equivalent.

In your junior year, take the SAT or ACT and have your scores sent to UNT.

In your senior year, apply for admission at Apply Texas by March 1 and request that your high school transcript be sent to the UNT admissions office.

Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses can count toward college credit at UNT. .

Transfer students

If you're attending a Texas community college, you should consult our online transfer guides, the UNT Undergraduate Catalog and an academic counselor or advisor to review your degree plan. Proper planning will allow you to receive the maximum amount of transfer credits.

Our Transfer Center will help you make a successful transition to college life at UNT by connecting you with a peer mentor and other campus resources. Each year, 3,800 students transfer to UNT.