
CoB Profile

Nicholas Evangelopoulos

Associate Professor

Department of ITDS

Phone: 940.565.3056

Office: BLB 365D


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Nick Evangelopoulos (Ph.D., Washington State University 1999, M.S., The University of Kansas 2003), is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Technology and Decision Sciences at the University of North Texas. Dr. Evangelopoulos' current research interests include Text Analytics, Change-Point Analysis, Probabilistic Models, and Applied Statistics. Dr. Evangelopoulos has published a number of research articles that appear in prominent journals and national or international conference proceedings. His articles appear in MIS QuarterlyDecision Sciences, Decision Support Systems, Communications of the ACM, the European Journal of Information Systems, Communications in Statistics - Simulation & Computation, Environmetrics, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, and many others. Dr. Evangelopoulos has taught a number of courses in Business Statistics, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Management Science, and Advanced Java and Object-Oriented Programming, at the undergraduate, Master's, and doctoral level. In Spring 2015 he offered a new course in Big Data Analytics. He is currently a member of the Decision Sciences Institute and a Fellow of the Texas Center for Digital Knowledge. In 2010 he received the UNT College of Business Outstanding Teaching Innovation Award and in 2013 the UNT College of Business Outstanding Senior Faculty Research Award.