Lights! Camera! University of North Texas!: Ann Sheridan Brings “Oomph” and Glamour to the University of North Texas

Posted by & filed under 1930's, 1940's.


The UNT Media Library began its exploration of UNT’s Hollywood history with a look at one of our first motion picture stars—the lovely and talented Joan “Rosebud” Blondell. Though the Media Library is certainly proud to claim Joan as one of our own, we now turn our attention to another alumna who, unlike Blondell, spent… Read more »

THIS SHALL NOT PASS!!: The 1986 Merger Proposal of NTSU and TWU

Posted by & filed under 1980's.

NT Daily, July 3, 2986

It was not the first time that politicians in Austin were considering the merger of North Texas State University (now UNT) and TWU. On several occasions before, the existence of two comprehensive state universities in one small north Texas city had become a subject of heated debate at the State Capitol. In times of economic… Read more »