
Resources are available for Students, Faculty, Staff, and Parents

Absence Verification

Students are expected to attend classes regularly and to abide by the attendance policy established by the professor. However, the university is aware that there will be times when a student is unable to attend class due to emergency situations, health or the death of a loved one. The Dean of Students Office is also available to assist you with documenting your absence. Students must provide the Dean of Students with official and verifiable documentation related to the reason for absence. Once the absences have been verified the decision to allow a student to make up course work is left to the discretion of the professor and/or the department.

Authorized Class Absence / Field Trips

All travel by students off the campus for the purpose of participation in athletics, music groups, AFROTC activity, dramatics, exhibitions, debate, student government, conventions and field trips must be authorized by the dean of the school or college of the sponsoring department. Absence lists must be approved by the department chair and sent to the office of the dean in advance of the travel date. Sponsors must report to the Dean of Students Office all students listed who did not make the trip.

Within three days after the absence, students must obtain authorized absence cards from the Dean of Students Office for presentation to instructors of classes missed. Students with authorized absence cards may make up the work missed when practicable or be given special allowance so that they are not penalized for the absence. Additional information regarding Authorized Class Absences may be found in the Faculty Handbook.


For more information on CARE Team click here.

Food Pantry

A University Food Pantry to serve all enrolled students will open in spring of 2015. Students may visit the pantry during normal business hours as well as extended hours on Thursday nights (until 7pm). The pantry is located within the Dean of Students Office. Drop-off donations are accepted at the front desk during normal business hours. For more information on the upcoming pantry please please contact the Dean of Students at or by calling 940-565-2648.


The University of North Texas promotes student health and safety through the use of Haven, a mandatory program for all new incoming freshman and transfer students. Haven educates students about the elements of healthy relationships, being a good communicator, understanding and reporting sexual assault, the importance of sexual consent, and the role of bystanders in creating safe, healthy communities.

Instructions Letter

Military Activation of Enrolled Students

The University of North Texas has an interest in supporting our students who serve in the military and who are called to active duty while enrolled. A student who is a member of the National Guard, Reserve or other branch of the United States Armed Forces and is unable to complete classes because of military activation may request course withdrawals, incompletes or grades, depending on the timing of the activation and the individual needs of the students.  This will ensure understanding and standardized guidelines for awarding grades to students called to active military duty during an academic semester.

If a student is called to active duty while enrolled in the University of North Texas they will be required to provide documentation of military orders to the Dean of Students office and follow procedures for withdrawal through this office indicating the options of withdrawal, requesting an incomplete or requesting assignment of grades depending on the time of activation during the semester.  Dean of Students will meet with student to discuss options and consider all areas that affect the student upon withdrawal.

The Dean of Students office will review the form and verify the military orders and review the academic options to the student. If incompletes or grades are requested the student will be referred to the faculty member or academic department for assistance.  The Dean of Students will send notification to faculty, academic department and Associate Dean of the verification of military orders and student’s preference for incomplete or grade assigned.

Per Texas Education Code 54.0006 (f) 3. Either grades are assigned or incompletes granted. If a student receives an incomplete he/she will have one year from the end their active duty to complete the course.  The Dean of Students office will complete the official withdrawal of the student and full refund of appropriate tuition and fees.  If student opts for an incomplete or grades are assigned no refund will be given.

Pregnant & Parenting Students

The US Department of Education and Office for Civil Rights released new Title IX requirements regarding pregnant and parenting students in June 2013. Those students wishing to seek accommodations for Pregnancy and Parenting please submit this form (Pregnancy Accommodation Form) with appropriate documentation.

The requirements and suggestions include:

  • Schools must excuse student’s absences because of pregnancy or childbirth for as long as the student’s doctor deems the absences medically necessary.
  • Absence policies in classes must accommodate pregnancy or childbirth related absences and allow for make-up work. “A teacher may not refuse to allow a student to submit work after a deadline that she missed because of absences due to pregnancy or childbirth. Additionally, if a teacher’s grading is based in part on class attendance or participation, the student should be allowed to earn the credits she missed so that she can be reinstated to the status she had before the leave.”
  • “A school may offer the student alternatives to making up missed work, such as retaking a semester, taking part in an online course credit recovery program, or allowing the student additional time in a program to continue at the same pace and finish at a later date, especially after longer periods of leave. The student should be allowed to choose how to make up the work.”

The UNT Dean of Students Office will provide a Verified Absence slip for parenting students (both male and female) who need to take their children to doctors’ appointments or to take care of their sick children as long as they provide proper documentation. Students needing this documentation should contact the Dean of Students Office.

If you would like to read more about these requirements and guidelines the link is provided below:

Seeking Options and Solutions

For more information on Seeking Options and Solitions click here

Student Complaints

The Student Standard Complaint Policy of the University of North Texas provides students with a procedure for resolving complaints against UNT faculty, staff, and agents of the university. Students with questions concerning discrimination, grade appeal, academic integrity, disability, financial aid, accommodations, or the Code of Student Conduct must contact the appropriate academic personnel or compliance officer and refer to the appropriate policies.

The Dean of Students will assist the student throughout the complaint process. UNT believes that most complaints can be resolved informally. All university contacts with the aggrieved student will stress the preferred mechanism of an informal resolution. A complaint filed, either informally or formally, will not be considered unless it is filed no later than 120 days after the event or occurrence giving rise to the complaint or knowledge of the event or occurrence. A student's complaint may be withdrawn at any point by the student, thereby halting the complaint.

Student Death

When there is a student death, the main point of contact is the Dean of Students Office. The Dean’s staff will notify all appropriate people and departments on campus. Information needed is the student’s full name and the contact name and number for the student’s family. A staff member will be identified by the Dean of Students to make direct contact with the family and serve as the University liaison to assist the family as needed. The names of the student’s friends should also be given to the Dean of Students for the purpose of outreach to those affected by their friend and fellow student.

The Dean of Students Office organizes the annual Flight Memorial in which the UNT community will recognize all students, faculty, staff members and alumni who have died over the past year (April 1- March 30) which is usually held the last Wednesday of April. All family members of those who will be honored are welcome to join us for the memorial. Please contact the Dean of Students at or by calling 940-565-2648.

Temporary Disabilities

Even though temporary disabilities are not afforded the same consideration for accommodation and/or waivers that are provided under federal law for permanent disabilities the Dean of Students Office can act as an advocate for students dealing with temporary disabilities. If a student has a temporary disability (e.g.,- broken leg, broken arm, pregnancy, etc) please feel free to contact the Dean of Students Office at and we will make contact with the student’s professors to verify the temporary disability exists. Ultimately, it is up to each individual instructor to make any accommodations pertaining to temporary disabilities.

Temporary Illness

It's not unusual for students to encounter temporary illnesses or injuries during their time at UNT. Broken bones, the flu, severe colds, surgeries etc. all represent temporary conditions which may result in missed classes and other academic difficulties. Such temporary conditions do not qualify for protection under the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act so long as they do not last more than 6 months. Nor does pregnancy qualify for ADA protection provided it is of normal duration without severe complications.

For more information on Temporary Illness click here

Withdrawal Due to Medical Reasons

If a student must withdraw due to medical reasons, prior to the withdrawal deadline as indicated in the academic calendar, a student may do so through the regular withdrawal process. If a student is incapacitated or unable to make the request on his/her own, please contact the Dean of Students Office for assistance at 940-565-2648. For details regarding the withdrawal process, go to

Community Resources

The Dean of Students would like to share some community resources for food, clothing, and rental assistance. The resources provided are intended for informational purposes only in an effort to meet students’ needs. The views/belief of the organizations providing services are not endorsed by the University of North Texas and/or Dean of Students Office.