Missing Resident

The University of North Texas is committed to the health, safety, and welfare of our students. If a student who resides in university housing is reported missing by a member of the university community or family member the following applies.

Procedures and Responsibilities

  1. Students will be provided the opportunity to designate an individual to be contacted in the event that a student is determined to be missing. The registered information will be maintained confidentially to the extent permitted by law and will be accessible only to authorized campus officials. The university will not disclose the identity of the confidential contact except to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of a missing person investigation.
  2. Students, employees, or other individuals should report a student missing to any of the following:
    1. UNT Police Department
    2. Housing staff (including the director, assistant/associate directors, and hall directors), Greek Life Staff
    3. Student Affairs staff (including the vice president, assistant/associate vice presidents, and dean of students).
  3. All concerns regarding a resident student’s unexplained absence or lack of contact that is contrary to the student’s normal behavior and/or is usual based on existing circumstances will be immediately investigated in an effort to locate the student and confirm their safety.
  4. An official Missing Person Report will be prepared by Student Affairs designee and immediately delivered to the campus police any time a resident student is determined to have been missing more than 24 hours. Staff will notify the Dean of Students Office.
  5. If campus police determine that a resident student who is the subject of a Missing Student Report has been missing for more than 24 hours, then campus police will notify other jurisdictions and will initiate emergency notice as necessary.