We are here for you

Getting help starts with speaking out

We exist as a university to give students the best educational experience. At UNT, this includes ensuring students’ educational and emotional needs are met. We believe it’s important that every student feels they have the support and resources they need to succeed in academics and in life.

If you are a student facing emotional challenges – whether it’s dealing with the stress of final exams or a personal crisis – we want you to know that support is here and it’s OK to seek help.

The same is true for faculty and staff members. If you are experiencing difficulties that affect your work performance and personal lives, we want you to reach out and get the support you need. Our focus is to get you back to maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle. And because you are on the front lines serving students, we want faculty and staff members to be on alert for students in distress.

If you are dealing with mental health issues, such as depression and suicide, you are not alone. We’re here to help. Talk about it and find support through these resources.

About Speak Out UNT

Speak Out UNT is the university’s mental health awareness campaign aimed at getting the UNT community involved in the national fight to remove the stigma that surrounds mental illness and suicide. We also want to remind people about the mental health resources available at UNT and in the Denton community. Speak Out UNT means if you’re in need, reach out and tell someone who can help you. If you know of someone in need, become their advocate and help get them the support they need.

With your help, Speak Out UNT will:
  • Reduce the stigma regarding mental health issues
  • Normalize help-seeking behaviors and self-care
  • Educate the campus community on how to identify students and co-workers who are in distress
  • Connect those in need with available resources so they can get help early and often

Watch UNT President Neal Smatresk’s message on mental health awareness and resources.