Faculty/Staff Frequently Asked Questions

What can the Learning Center do to help students?

The Learning Center provides high quality academic support services to help students succeed in the classroom.  These services include tutoring, supplemental instruction, academic coaching, Study Skills Lab, Learning 101 workshops, graduate student support services, speed reading and an academic resource library. 

What types of free tutoring does the Learning Center offer?

Tutoring is offered in a variety of formats at no additional cost to students. Students can choose from one-on-one tutoring, online tutoring, drop-in tutoring, group tutoring or supplemental instruction. Students can request a tutor online through the Learning Center website: http://learningcenter.unt.edu/tutoring. 

What kinds of workshops do you conduct (and how can I schedule one for my class)?

The Learning Center facilitates various workshops that provide students with the tools and strategies they need to be academically successful.  Topics include Learning Styles, Time Management, Test Taking, Note Taking, or we can also work with you to customize a presentation for your specific classroom needs.  To schedule a presentation, use the request form found here

How can I be sure that my students will receive reliable, accurate, high-quality assistance in the Learning Center?

Learning Center tutors are required to have at least a 3.0 GPA, must have earned an A in the course that they are tutoring and must have a positive recommendation from a faculty member (faculty references are requested and recommendations are encouraged, but not required for SI Leaders). Tutors are required to attend training before and throughout the semester. Tutors are also encouraged to seek tutoring certification through the College Reading and Learning Association program.

Could I recommend a student as a tutor?

Yes, we love recommendations from faculty!  If you have students who have earned an A in your course and you feel they are capable of assisting other students with understanding the course content, please send your recommendations to learningcenter@unt.edu and the appropriate staff member will contact you.

How best can I inform my students about the LC?

We appreciate faculty support for the Learning Center! Here are a few ways you can inform your students about the LC:

  1. Refer students to our office when they need academic support.  We can offer tutoring or academic coaching depending on their needs.
  2. Set up an outreach presentation. One of our team members will come to your class and can provide either an overview of our resources and/or a specific academic success workshop like Time Management, Note Taking, Test Taking, etc. 
  3. List our information in your standard syllabus.  For your convenience, we’ve provided a short sample template below.

Visit the UNT Learning Center (LC)

The LC provides a variety of FREE academic support programs from tutoring and supplemental instruction services to academic skills workshops and coaching.  Students can visit the LC daily, M-F from 8:00am-5:00pm in Sage Hall 315.  Team members are also available to assist you at (940) 369-7006 or by email at Learning.Center@unt.edu.  For more information about the services provided, visit learningcenter.unt.edu.