Certified Leadership Series

Are you interested in more leadership development? Take part in either of these FREE co-curricular leadership workshop series. The Certified Leadership Series is offered on Tuesdays 3:30-5:00 PM. Become a better leader and make a difference on campus, in your career, and in the community! Registration is now open! The series will start the week of September 28. For more information on Eagle E.D.G.E., please contact the Career Center.


Certified Leadership Series


The Certified Leadership Series is an interactive workshop series that is designed to give students the opportunity to learn about leadership theory and put it into practice. The series is offered on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00 PM for 7 weeks starting on March 1. The course is free to UNT students and is a great opportunity to develop as a leader. Register now at https://orgsync.com/89079/forms/178581.


The Certified Leadership Series incorporates leadership theory and the practice of leadership for students who are interested in creating active and positive social change in their community. The Center for Leadership and Service believes that leadership is a process that involves self-awareness at the individual level, collaboration at the organizational level, and action at the community level. The series is designed to give students a better understanding of leadership and how to apply leadership theory to all aspects of their lives.