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Your Passport to Wellness.

End of the semester have you feeling stressed?

Spring has sprung

Check out this Texas Produce Availability Chart to see what fruits and veggies are in season.

Health and Wellness at UNT

Watch this video highlighting the services we provide to help you maintain your physical and mental health while you attend UNT!

Put Out Tobacco!

Do you know the Tobacco Grade for the State of Texas?

In an effort to reduce the adverse effects caused by tobacco use, each state and the District of Columbia are now graded on the effectiveness of their tobacco control laws utilizing measures established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The highest attainable score is 55. This is equivalent to an “A”. Texas scored a 9; earning an “F”.

Texas still earns an “F” in Tobacco Prevention and Smoke-free air, but Texas gets recognition for increasing funding over $5 million for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in 2014!

Find out more at: http://www.stateoftobaccocontrol.org/state-grades/texas/

Can you guess who earned the best grade for prevention and Smoke-free air?

Visit Going above and beyond to find out!


Did you know...

Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times at inventing the light bulb and James Dyson went through 5,126 prototypes before arriving at his “revolutionary vacuum cleaner.” The product WD-40 literally means “Water Displacement—40th Attempt.” None of these people gave up! Instead, they kept a clear goal in mind. We want our students to do the same and we are here to provide resources to help you to Succeed at UNT! Want additional resources? Click here

Eating healthy, no matter the season

The cold winter months can make it tough to eat many fruits and veggies. Focus on seasonal options, like broccoli, carrots, dark leafy greens, sweet potatoes and citrus. For a complete list of Texas produce available during each season, check out the Go Texan Produce Availability chart. Don’t forget that canned, frozen or dried produce can also be a great option, but try to choose items with little or no added sugar, salt or fat.

Nutrition Resources for College Students

Did you know that UNT had a registered dietitian on staff that is available for nutritional consultations? To schedule an appointment, call 940-565-2333. Click here for appointment prices.

Online Resources include:

  • ChooseMyPlate.gov which has great resources for everyone- but especially for college students! It also has recipes, and other tips and handouts for students.
  • Student Health 101—an online magazine with recipe ideas and other ways to stay healthy and connected at UNT.
  • Student Health and Wellness Center Facebook page from time to time as the dietitian will post healthy nutrition tips and you can find weekly information about nutrition related programs and all our other health education programs and events.