Big Hits & A Pool Party: Tweets & Treats

In our efforts to bring you the best coverage of North Texas football, we will be giving you Tweets & Treats from around the Mean Green during fall camp (Mon., Wed., Fri.). Let us know if you want us to touch on anything specific, and enjoy this insider's take on the happenings around Apogee.

Friday's Treats

• Coach Dan McCarney decided it was time for a break. His players had been working hard for the last few weeks, and they could use a treat. So, he cut yesterday afternoon's practice short and took them to the Norval Pohl Rec Center for a pool party.  

• Guests to Mean Green practice, such as other coaches or staff members, are quick to notice something that was absent in previous years - renewed defensive intensity. Safety Marcus Trice calls it "swag", and he claims that this defense has it. Not just your usual hoopin' and hollerin', this year's defense seems to play with confidence and intelligence, and it's immediately evident.

• Friday's drills began as specialized individual skills and progressively became more team oriented. For example, defensive backs worked on "striking" their opponents in a tackle, while running backs tried to defend their QB from a blitzing linebacker. D-linemen strapped on arm pads and practiced punching through an offensive linemen.

• For rookies, having the stripes taken off your helmet by coach Mac is a rite of passage. This morning, Brendan Campbell became the latest to lose his stripes and officially become a Mean Greener.

• As Mean Green fans already know, WR Brelan Chancellor is North Texas' kick return specialist. Don't look for that to change in 2012. He showed his blazing speed this morning by breaking a return for a touchdown, blazing past the edge.

Friday's Tweets

• Cooper Jones (Fr., TE) - @thejonesman8: Another long day of work. Livin the life. #GMG

• Konockus Sashington (So., RB) - @nockusashington: Country music in the morning. ><>><<

• Marcus Trice (Jr., DB) - @begreat_8: If you want to win me over just send me one of those "Good morning, have a good practice" texts! Lol them things breathe life into me! #GOGTM

• Marcus Trice (Jr., DB) - @begreat_8: Big chip on my shoulder! I dare anyone try to knock it off! #GOGTM

• Mean Green fan Deanna Burgos - @deannaburgos: Ready for some Mean Green football!!! Thanks @NeaBleker for your help!

• Former Mean Green linebacker and current Cleveland Brown Craig Robertson - @C__Robertson47: Had my first pick 6 ever!!! But it was called back but it counts n my book!

• Darius Terrell (Jr., WR) - @Dnt_Do_It_DT: Dan McCarney >

• Mean Green basketball forward Roger Franklin - @BigRog_32: Unt football has my full support GO MEAN GREEN!!!!!!

• Jeremy Phillips (Sr., LB) - @jphilican45: Surprise pool party at the rec with the football team... Thank you coach Mac

• Joe Astorga (So., DT) - @astorga_joe: The weekend doesn't mean a dam thing during football camp #camplife #unt



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