
MS Program at CoB

The College of Business (CoB) at UNT is proud to offer four MS concentrations.

MS Programs


MS Background Course Requirements (13.5 to 16.5 hours)

The following courses are required for any CoB MS degree. These background courses are equivalent to foundation courses of an undergraduate business program and will be waived where appropriate after evaluation of transcripts.


Grades of C or better must be earned on all background courses whether taken at the undergraduate or graduate level. Grades of C earned on any 5XXX level courses will affect the graduate grade point average (GPA).


ACCT 5020: Accumulation and Analysis of Accounting Data (1.5 hours)


Three hours of undergraduate Financial Accounting and three hours of Managerial Accounting. UNT Undergraduate Equivalent: ACCT 2010 and ACCT 2020



BCIS 5090: Introduction to Business Computer Information Systems (1.5 hours)


Three hours of a junior/senior level Introduction to Business Computer Information Systems. UNT Undergraduate Equivalent: BCIS 3610



BLAW 5050: Legal, Regulatory, and Ethical Environment of Business (1.5 hours)


Three hours of a junior/senior level Business Law course taken in the United States. UNT Undergraduate Equivalent: BLAW 3430



DSCI 5010: Statistical Analysis (1.5 hours)


Three hours of undergraduate statistics (business, psychological, mathematical, and educational statistics are acceptable).



ECON 5000: Economic Concepts (3 hours)


Three hours of undergraduate Microeconomics and three hours of undergraduate Macroeconomics. UNT Undergraduate Equivalent: ECON 1100 and ECON 1110



FINA 5040: Introduction to Finance and Financial Mathematics (1.5 hours)


Three hours of a junior/senior level Business Finance or Principles of Finance. UNT Undergraduate Equivalent: FINA 3770



MATH 1190: Business Calculus (3 hours)


Three hours of a business calculus or other comparable calculus course.



MGMT 5070: Management Issues (1.5 hours)


Three hours of a junior/senior level Production and Operations Management. General Management, Human Resources, or Organizational Behavior will NOT be accepted.



MKTG 5000: Marketing Concepts (1.5 hours)


Three hours of a junior/senior level Marketing Management or Principles of Marketing (Advertising or salesmanship will NOT be accepted). UNT Undergraduate Equivalent: MKTG 3650



MS Accounting and MS Taxation Background Course Requirements (additional 19 hours)


The MS Accounting and MS Taxation programs require the following 19 hours in addition to the background coursework listed above. See catalog for pre-requisites and course descriptions.


ACCT 3110: Intermediate Accounting I (3 hours)

ACCT 3120: Intermediate Accounting II (3 hours)
ACCT 3270: Cost Accounting (3 hours)

ACCT 4100: Accounting Systems (3 hours)

ACCT 4300: Federal Income Taxation (3 hours)

ACCT 4400: Auditing – Professional Responsibilities (3 hours)

ACCT 3405: Professional Development (1 hour)


MS Finance Background Course Requirements


The MS Finance program only requires the following background courses:


ACCT 5020: Accumulation and Analysis of Accounting Data (1.5 hours)

BCIS 5090: Intro. to Business Computer Information Systems (1.5 hours)

DSCI 5010: Statistical Analysis (1.5 hours)

DSCI 5180: Introduction to Decision Making (3 hours)

ECON 5000: Economic Concepts (3 hours)

FINA 5040: Introduction to Finance and Financial Mathematics (1.5 hours)

FINA 5170: Financial Management (3 hours)

MATH 1190: Business Calculus (3 hours)