UNT alumna Suela Lee garners awards as part of Zorá String Quartet

Zora String QuartetAs a young girl, Seula Lee ('13) became entranced when she heard her mother play the piano. Now Lee, second from left, is enchanting audiences when she plays the violin. She is a member of the Zorá String Quartet, which received first prize in the 2015 Young Concert Artists International Auditions in New York and the coveted grand prize and gold medal in the Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition at Notre Dame.

The group plans to continue to participate in competitions and to mentor young artists. Lee says the key to their success is being encouraging and positive.
"All four of us are different and unique, which is very special to us, and we try to bring the best to the melting pot," says Lee, an assistant instructor of violin at Indiana University.


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