A family affair

Donna ('11), Joshua ('11) and Kenneth Hill ('10, '11) (Photo by Michael Clements)For the Hill family, graduation proved to be a family affair.

Kenneth Hill (’10, ʼ11), who works in the recycling services department at UNT, earned his bachelor’s degree in sociology in December. At the same ceremony, his son, Joshua Hill (ʼ11), picked up his bachelor’s degree in computer science.

Donna Hill (ʼ11), Kenneth’s wife and Joshua’s mother, received her bachelor’s degree in applied technology and performance improvement at a different ceremony the same weekend. Donna works as a fifth-grade English language arts and social studies teacher for the Birdville ISD.

That the family members all graduated at the same time was coincidence, Kenneth says. But they all knew the importance of getting their college degrees.

“For my wife and son, it is imperative for their future growth in their chosen fields to have obtained their degrees,” he says.

Donna is completing an alternative certification program that has allowed her to obtain her teaching position. Joshua is a computer programmer.

The Hill family expects to have another UNT graduate in their family in a few years. Their daughter, Danielle, is a sophomore psychology major and plans to pursue a master’s degree in play therapy. They also have two younger children at home.

Kenneth, who says he was encouraged by his co-workers to finish his degree, earned his first bachelor’s from UNT in applied arts and sciences in 2010.

“Originally, completing my degree was a matter of completing something I had started many years ago and had to walk away from because of responsibilities,” he says. “However, once I began, I saw the possibilities.”

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