
CLUES for the #DiscoverPACS Scavenger Hunt!!

Take a journey to #DiscoverPACS.  Once you solve the clue, take a picture and post to Twitter or Facebook (either your own, your department’s or the college’s).  Don’t forget to use #DiscoverPACS and/or #Wingspan2016.  Rules: Photos must be taken during the duration of the competition (this week) and must be original (no internet photos or other’s photos).  Remember, there will be a total of two winners: one for the first student to solve all 25 clues, and one with the most likes on a single photo.  Each winner will receive a $100 Visa gift card.  There is a reception April 15th at 2:30 pm on the second floor foyer in Chilton Hall to recognize the winners. Click here to enlarge the clues!

Date of News Story: 
Monday, April 11, 2016

#DiscoverPACS Scavenger Hunt!

Celebrate UNT’s 125th anniversary and learn about the past and present of PACS and its departments by solving clues and finding items in a photo scavenger hunt!  Each clue will help tell the story of a college with a history and mission of strengthening communities through our teaching, research and service.  An awards reception will be held on April 15th at 2:30pm on the second floor foyer of Chilton Hall. All students, alumni, faculty and staff are invited to participate. 

Join us for a photo scavenger hunt to celebrate UNT's 125th anniversary with a journey throuogh PACS. This week long event will consist of 25 challenges to solve clues and take creative photos of the answer to post on social media.
The first clue will be given April 11th at 9 a.m. on, PACS social media, and the PACS main office located in Chilton Hall, Room 209.
There wil lbe a total of two winners: one for the first student to solve all 25 clues, and one with the most likes on a single photo. Make sure to use #discoverpacs and #wingspan2016 when posting!
IMPORTANT: To win the prize of the $100 Visa gift card, one must be present at the reception. The reception is April 15th at 2:30 p.m. on the second floor of Chilton Hall.
Good luck!

Date of News Story: 
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

University of North Texas Establishes Office of Substance Misuse and Mental Health Recovery Research

Denton, TX (March 30, 2016) – The University of North Texas’ Department of Disability and Addictions Rehabilitation announces it will establish the Office of Substance Misuse and Mental Health Recovery Research in its Denton, Texas campus.

The establishment of this Office is being funded by a $100,000 gift from Andrew Burki, MSW, Founder and CEO of Life of Purpose Treatment. This gift serves as a springboard to raise 3.5 million to recruit a leading R1 researcher to serve as the chair to spearhead the program.

“I am thrilled about the research opportunities that this generous gift from Life of Purpose will afford UNT,” said Chair of the Department of Disability and Addictions Rehabilitation and Director of the Office of Substance Misuse and Mental Health Recovery Research at the University of North Texas, Linda Holloway. “This donation is significant in that it is providing the seed money to create the UNT Office for Substance Misuse and Mental Health Recovery Research. There is an epidemic of substance use disorders in the US and it is complicated by other co-occurring behavioral health disorders. It is affecting youth at an earlier age thereby having even more dire consequences – including death. It is simply inexcusable that we have inadequate research to address this compounding health issue in a country that has so many resources. This Office will provide a hub for faculty and staff to conduct cutting edge research related to recovery, an area that is surprisingly lacking in evidence-based practices. We have invited over a dozen faculty members from 3 different colleges to be a part of this research initiative and hope that more will join us. It is only through a concerted, collaborative effort that we can begin to tackle this crisis.”

The full press release, along with full details of the Office of Substance Misuse and Mental Health Recovery Research is available here:

Date of News Story: 
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Project Implicit

Join Dr. Chandra Carey on February 12th at 2:00 for Project Implicit in Chilton 270!

Project Implicit is a new way of understanding attitudes, stereotypes and other hidden biases that influence perception, judgement and action. Come take the assessments and discuss your results and how to better align your practices with your values.

Date of News Story: 
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Cycles of Disadvantage

Join CPACS and Dr. Adam Trahan for a lecture titled Cycles of Disadvantage: How Disparities In Economic, Political, Educational and Social Power Have Spiraled Out of Control

This talk will focus on the interrelationships between multiple systems of disadvantage. Too often, our social discourse and even scholarly literatures treat economic, political, and social inequalities as separate, relatively autonomous processes. This view does not match reality, however. Inequalities in economic, political, and social power interact and create cycles of disadvantage that can be insurmountable. We will discuss the interactions between multiple systems of disadvantage and how their combined effects shape the world in which we live.

The lecture will be held on February 11th, from 1:00 - 4:00 pm in the Chilton Media Library room 111C.

Date of News Story: 
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Congratulations to PACS Graduate Darla Ray!

We want to extend a special congratulations to recent PACS Graduate Darla Ray. Ms. Ray has overcome great hardship to achieve her goals, and we are proud to have her as one of our esteemed alumni. Read her full story here! Congratulations to Ms. Darla Ray and all of our PACS Graduates!

Date of News Story: 
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Deadline for Community Renewal Fund Extended!

The Community Renewal Fund deadline has been extended to Thursday, 12/3.

As you may recall, the Community Renewal Fund is a competition for innovative projects that respond to a social, economic, environmental, or justice issue of their choice.  UNT students collaborate with PACS faculty and community partners to compete for seed funding to launch their project, begin to address a community problem and ultimately strengthen our communities. Submissions will now be extended through this Thursday, December 3rd. For more information and a link to the CRF application visit our news page here!

Date of News Story: 
Monday, November 30, 2015

Ms. Burlyce Logan

This Thursday, November 5th at 2:00pm, PACS welcomes Ms. Burlyce Logan to discuss her story and life being one of the first African American students accepted to the University of North Texas.

In September of 1956 Ms. Logan began her first semester at UNT. However, she decided it best to leave due to the struggles and disappointments she and other African American students encountered during that period of racial unrest, inequality, and the volaitle social landscape. Ms. Logan eventually returned and re-enrolled in January 2005 and completed her degree in August 2011, 55 years after she first began. What struggles did she face then? What does she still face today? What can we learn from her story, and how ought we apply that to how we interact with each other?

Join us in welcoming this honored guest back to her Alma Mater and hearing her story. Take part in this first event to continue the conversation sparked by Simon Tam at this year's Fall Forum.

Date of News Story: 
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Community Renewal Fund

Community Renewal Fund - A social innovation fund to strengthen communities and build leaders for our future.


Who is eligible to apply?  

  • Any UNT Denton student (must submit with PACS Faculty or Staff sponsor)
  • PACS faculty and staff

What is eligible to be funded?

  • Community-based projects
  • Project-based internships that meet set guidelines
  • Community-based research

How is community defined?

For the purpose of this fund, community is broadly defined to include local, state, national and global-level initiatives.


  1. Applications are submitted via email and may also include video submissions. Please note that video submissions must also submit an electronic application as well. The application indicates which sections may be videoed.
  2. Project must show collaboration with one or more community-based programs —preference is given to proposals that involve a combination of all three:  faculty/staff (PACS), UNT students and community.
  3. Project description must show clear benefit to the community. Outcomes must be clearly articulated—what will have been achieved by conducting this project and how will outcomes be measured?
  4. Preference will be given to proposals that include all 3 constituencies: PACS Faculty/Staff, UNT Student(s), and Community Partner(s) and those that align with the 2015 PACS Fall Forum topic (Race and Social Justice).
  5. This fund does not support conference registrations, scholarships, tuition, non-travel reimbursements, gifts or tips. All expenditures must be made in accordance with established state and federal laws, UNT Systems regulations, University policies and purchasing guidelines, and processed through a cooperating UNT department.   Funds must be spent within 12 months of the project start date.
  6. Awards range from $500 to $5,000. Please note that this is not a cash award but rather an allotment of UNT funds to be administered through a sponsoring UNT department.
  7. Awardees must submit two reports:  a programmatic AND financial report on two separate occasions.  The first reports are to be submitted halfway through program funding, and the final reports submitted upon completion of funds used.  If your project is funded, you will be given a report template.
  8. Please note that in sections that are limited by character counts, spaces are included in the character count.
  9. Once application is completed, save the file, print out for signatures, after signatures are secured, scan and email application to If you have video, please attach it as well.  For questions, email or call 940 565-3230.
  10. Deadline for proposals is December 1, 2015. Award announcements will be made February 1, 2016.  

Click Here for CRF Application

Date of News Story: 
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Fall Forum

Fall Forum is an opportunity to learn about an important community problem in an educational experience beyond the classroom.  This year’s topic is social justice and racial inequality. 

Racial tension continues to thrive in modern America.  We have been taught that race and racism, like politics and money, are impolite topics and should not be discussed.  Many believe that the Civil Rights Movement or President Obama’s election ended structural inequality and racial bias.  But that myth can be simplistic and tragic as evidenced by stories in the news on a near daily basis.  Do we need to talk about race?  Is being color blind the answer?  How do we start the conversation?  How do I recognize my own biases that play into social or structural inequality?  How can my singular actions impact the social structure of race in America? 

Please join us for this important conversation and invite your students to attend as well. 

Click Here to See the Flyer

Date of News Story: 
Thursday, October 22, 2015



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