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    University of North Texas at Dallas
  May 10, 2016
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2015-2016 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog

Course Listings


Accounting - Undergraduate

   •  ACCT 2010 - Accounting Principles I (Financial Accounting)
   •  ACCT 2020 - Accounting Principles II (Managerial Accounting)
   •  ACCT 2900 - Special Problems
   •  ACCT 3110 - Intermediate Accounting I
   •  ACCT 3120 - Intermediate Accounting II
   •  ACCT 4130 - Financial Statement Analysis
   •  ACCT 4140 - Advanced Accounting Principles
   •  ACCT 4270 - Advanced Cost Accounting
   •  ACCT 4300 - Federal Income Taxation
   •  ACCT 4350 - Advanced Federal Income Taxation
   •  ACCT 4400 - Auditing Professional Responsibilities
   •  ACCT 4410 - Auditing Evidence
   •  ACCT 4420 - International Accounting
   •  ACCT 4800 - Internship
   •  ACCT 4900 - Special Problems

Accounting - Graduate

   •  ACCT 5020 - Accumulation and Analysis of Accounting Data
   •  ACCT 5110 - Fundamentals of Accounting Research
   •  ACCT 5120 - Using Information Systems in Accounting
   •  ACCT 5130 - Accounting for Management
   •  ACCT 5150 - The Development of Accounting Theory
   •  ACCT 5200 - Professional Ethics and Corporate Governance
   •  ACCT 5300 - Federal Taxation of Income
   •  ACCT 5310 - Tax Research and Administrative Procedure
   •  ACCT 5320 - Taxation of Flow-Through Entities
   •  ACCT 5370 - Family Tax Planning
   •  ACCT 5450 - Seminar in Internal Auditing
   •  ACCT 5470 - Auditing Advanced Theory

Applied Economics - Undergraduate

   •  AECO 2900 - Special Problems
   •  AECO 4080 - Principles of Economic and Community Development
   •  AECO 4090 - The Political Economy of Texas

Applied Gerontology - Undergraduate

   •  AGER 2250 - Images of Aging in Film and Literature
   •  AGER 2900 - Special Problems
   •  AGER 4500 - Long-Term Care Case Management with Older Adults
   •  AGER 4550 - Sociology of Aging
   •  AGER 4560 - Minority Aging
   •  AGER 4750 - Sexuality and Aging
   •  AGER 4780 - Aging Programs and Services
   •  AGER 4900 - Special Problems

Art - Undergraduate

   •  ART 1300 - Art Appreciation for non-art majors
   •  ART 1303 - Survey of Art History I
   •  ART 1304 - Survey of Art History II
   •  ART 1305 - Digital Manipulated Photography
   •  ART 2900 - Special Problems

Art Education and Art History - Undergraduate

   •  AEAH 1750 - Visual Arts Integration
   •  AEAH 2900 - Special Problems
   •  AEAH 3750 - Children and Art

Bilingual and English as a Second Language Education - Undergraduate

   •  EDBE 3470 - Foundations of Bilingual and English as Second Language Education
   •  EDBE 3480 - Bilingualism and Multiculturism for English Language Learning : Issues and Perspectives
   •  EDBE 4470 - Curriculum and Assessment for Bilingual/ESL Education
   •  EDBE 4480 - Bilingual Approaches to Content-Based Learning
   •  EDBE 4490 - Teaching ESL EC-12: Instructional Strategies and Resources
   •  EDBE 4900 - Special Problems

Bilingual and English as a Second Language Education - Graduate

   •  EDBE 5560 - Fundamentals of Bilingual and English as a Second Language Education in EC-12
   •  EDBE 5570 - Assessing Language & Content Learning in EC-12 Bilingual and English as a Second Language Education
   •  EDBE 5580 - Bilingual Content Instruction
   •  EDBE 5582 - ESL Content Instruction
   •  EDBE 5590 - Pedagogy of English as Second Language for EC-12 Classrooms
   •  EDBE 5600 - Sociocultural Foundations of Bilingual and ESL Education
   •  EDBE 5650 - Academic Spanish in the Bilingual Classroom
   •  EDBE 5660 - English Language Acquisition by Spanish Speakers : Theories and Methods

Biochemistry - Undergraduate

   •  BIOC 2900 - Introduction to Biochemical Research

Biological Sciences - Undergraduate

   •  BIOL 1082 - Biology for Educators
   •  BIOL 1132 - Environmental Science
   •  BIOL 1300 - Biology for Non Majors
   •  BIOL 1710 - Biology for Science Majors I
   •  BIOL 1720 - Biology for Science Majors II
   •  BIOL 1730 - Biology for Science Majors I Laboratory
   •  BIOL 1740 - Biology for Science Majors II Laboratory
   •  BIOL 2041 - Microbiology
   •  BIOL 2042 - Microbiology Laboratory
   •  BIOL 2140 - Principles of Ecology
   •  BIOL 2301 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
   •  BIOL 2302 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II
   •  BIOL 2311 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory
   •  BIOL 2312 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory
   •  BIOL 2900 - Special Problems
   •  BIOL 3090 - Mentored Undergraduate Research
   •  BIOL 3310 - Principles of Human Nutrition
   •  BIOL 3331 - Biomedical Criminalistics
   •  BIOL 3451 - Genetics
   •  BIOL 3452 - Genetics Laboratory
   •  BIOL 3510 - Cell Biology
   •  BIOL 3520 - Cell Biology Laboratory
   •  BIOL 4080 - Radiation Safety
   •  BIOL 4120 - Environmental Chemistry
   •  BIOL 4220 - Neuropsychopharmacology
   •  BIOL 4240 - Forensic Microscopy
   •  BIOL 4250 - Pharmacology:
   •  BIOL 4260 - Principles of Evolution
   •  BIOL 4330 - Developmental Biology
   •  BIOL 4370 - General Toxicology
   •  BIOL 4570 - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Gene
   •  BIOL 4590 - Forensic Molecular Biology Laboratory
   •  BIOL 4700 - Research Methods for Secondary Science Instruction
   •  BIOL 4930 - Special Problems

Biological Sciences - Graduate

   •  BIOL 5090 - Animal Behavior
   •  BIOL 5170 - Evolutionary Ecology
   •  BIOL 5240 - Advanced Topics in Molecular Biology

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