Course Catalog

Welcome to the Course Catalog! Below you will find helpful information for the courses listed in your training profile.

Courses with no Associated Fee

All SkillSoft and UNT System trainings (such as HR/BSS/IT) are free.

Courses with an Associated Fee

All remaining courses have a cost associated with them, and you can find the cost when you search for your course by either course name or course ID. Pricing is subject to change by each vendor. Most vendors require you to create a free account before purchasing a course. Some courses are location specific or On-Site by request.

How to Use the Catalog

Please click on the link above for instructions on how to use the Catalog or click on the video for a quick demonstration.

How to Find a Course in SkillSoft

Please click on the link above for instructions on how to find a course in SkillSoft or click on the video for a quick demonstration.

Please contact us at with any questions or to report link/access issues.

Click this link to Login and gain access to the catalog.