Painting crew, UNTHSC

Prior State Service Verification

Prior State Service, or state service credit, refers to the time an employee - faculty, staff or student - worked for any State of Texas agency or institution of higher education before joining a UNT System component. This time may be used to calculate vacation leave and longevity pay when beginning work.

Human Resources does not have access to prior state employment records. Only a previous State of Texas employer can verify state service. A faculty or staff member or student employee must contact previous employer(s), complete paperwork and submit it to Human Resources for documentation.

Who Earns Prior State Service Credit?

State service credit is earned when a faculty or staff member or student works for a Texas public agency or a public institution of higher education. Public employment in other states is not transferrable. Texas state service accrues when an individual:

  • Serves as a full-time, part-time or temporary state employee or otherwise serves as an employee of the state.
  • Serves as an academic employee of a Texas institution of higher education.
  • Serves as a member of the legislature.
  • Holds a state-wide elected office.

If you are unsure if previous work was for a Texas public entity, review the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Texas Transparency list or the Texas State Library and Archives Commission TRAIL List of Texas State Agencies.

Note that employment at an independent school district or community college in Texas does not qualify as state service credit for vacation leave and longevity pay. However, that employment may be credited with the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) Optional Retirement Program (ORP). Contact the Teacher Retirement System or Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for assistance.

  • How to Submit Prior State Service Documentation

    Complete the Prior State Service form and submit it to your previous State of Texas employer. The form asks the employer to verify day/month/year of employment, sick leave, vacation leave, military leave, leave without pay, Benefit Replacement Pay (BRP), hazardous duty pay, longevity pay and retirement eligibility. 

    The form also includes your authorization for previous state employers to provide information to UNT System Human Resources. Your previous employer must submit the form to:


    Texas State Employment Verification
    Attention: HR Records
    University of North Texas System - Human Resources
    3500 Camp Bowie Blvd., Building EAD
    Fort Worth, Texas 76107

    Secure FAX and email: 817-735-7655;

  • How is Prior State Service calculated?

    Total state service counts the number of days, months and years of employment. A faculty or staff member receives one month of service credit for each month he or she is on the employer’s active payroll, except when employees do not begin/end on the first or last day of a month.

    For example: The first day of work begins the tally of service. So if an employee's first day is Aug. 16, the number of days counted for state service that month is 15, from Aug. 16 to Aug. 31. If the final day of work is May 15, the employee receives service credit for 15 days, from May 1 to May 15.

    Days worked in partial months of employment are added together and when that amount reaches 30, an additional month is added to the total number of months of state service.

    An employee on leave without pay (including workers’ compensation) for a full calendar month does not accrue state service for that month.

    An employee on approved military leave without pay will receive service credit for each month on military leave.

  • Vacation Accruals and Longevity Pay

    Vacation-eligible, regular staff members and full time faculty accrue vacation time in hours each month based on staff employment at all agencies and institutions of higher education. Vacation accrual upon employment is eight (8) hours.

    The number of vacation hours that accrue each month increases beginning with the 25th month of service. For example, a staff member accrues nine (9) vacation hours each month for 25 to 60 months of service. Part time employees receive pro-rated vacation accruals.

    The State of Texas provides longevity pay for non-faculty employees for every two years of service. This calculation is based on staff employment at all agencies and institutions of higher education.

    Longevity pay ($20) is added to monthly paychecks beginning with the 25th month of service. For example, a staff member earns $20 for 25 to 48 months of service, $40 for 49 to 72 months, $60 for 73 to 96 months, etc. The maximum amount is $420 for 505 months (42 years) and beyond..

    Months of service and available vacation leave is shown on each employee’s record at your EUID portal. (User name and password required.) To view longevity pay amount, go to the Payroll & Compensation tab to View Paycheck. Longevity pay appears on each month’s paycheck under the Hours and Earnings heading.

  • Decrease or Increase in Prior State Service

    It is possible that longevity pay and vacation leave may be reduced, if a review of Prior State Service finds that an individual’s service is less than previously recorded. If this occurs, and there is no fraudulent intent, leave time and longevity pay will be reduced from that point forward.

    It also is possible that longevity pay and vacation leave may be increased after a review of Prior State Service. Should this occur, longevity pay and vacation leave will be adjusted.

  • Retirement and Retirees

    A review of Prior State Service in a retirement eligible position may affect the number of days, months and years needed to meet retirement plan thresholds.

  • Questions?

    Find FAQs about Prior State Service, or contact the Human Resources Records and Support Center, 1-855-878-7650, or email, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., weekdays.

Photo: UNTHSC painting crew, from left, Salvador Hernandes, Jose Diaz, Juan Mireles