Study carrels at UNT Dallas

Policies and Information


The University of North Texas System is firmly committed to equal opportunity and does not permit - and takes actions to prevent -  discrimination, harassment (including sexual violence) and retaliation on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, family status, genetic information, citizenship or veteran status in its application and admission processes, educational programs and activities, facilities and employment practices. The University of North Texas System immediately investigates and takes remedial action when appropriate. The University of North Texas System also takes actions to prevent retaliation against individuals who oppose a discriminatory practice, file a charge, or testify, assist or participate in an investigative proceeding or hearing. (Download this statement.)


Internet Policies

State of Texas Information

Emergency Management

UNT System Board of Regents

Each member of the Board of Regents is appointed by the Governor of Texas. The Regents serve as the governing body of the University of North Texas System, which consists of the University of North Texas, UNT Health Science Center, and UNT Dallas, including UNT Dallas College of Law. Regents are governed by Regents Rules.


Some information on this website is provided by agencies and organizations not affiliated with the UNT System. It is the responsibility of the site user to verify information found at websites not managed by Human Resources.

Photos on this website are of buildings, people and activities at UNT System components or events; most were provided by the talented university photographers at UNT, UNTHSC and UNT Dallas.

Photo: UNT Dallas