Students at the University of North Texas at Dallas will have more opportunities to attend conferences and pursue professional development opportunities thanks to a new scholarship fund provided by university faculty and staff.

The fund began in November 2015 when the Student Government Association (SGA) approached Bob Mong, president of the University of North Texas at Dallas, requesting financial help to attend a conference. Seeing the need of not only SGA, but other campus organizations, Mong issued a challenge.

First, if UNT Dallas students would join him in the annual Turkey Trot in Dallas, he would give to the fund. Five students, Jennifer Contreras, David DeLabra, Everardo Padro, Stephanie Sierra and Erick Solis stepped up to the challenge.

Mong’s second challenge was for university faculty and staff. If they would give to the Student Development Fund, he would match their contribution dollar-for-dollar. Faculty and staff rose to the challenge, exceeding the original goal of $2000, raising $3700 including matching funds.

“The fund is not only important to the students and campus, but it reflects on the support President Mong has towards us, the student body,” said Jennifer Contreras, a sophomore and UNT Dallas SGA senator. “It’s a great idea for this fund as we, the students, can get more out of it. This fund will create more involvement and become beneficial towards our traditional and non-traditional students.”

Going forward, the funds will be used to help UNT Dallas students pay to attend conferences, present papers, conduct education sessions, or participate in leadership development. For more information on how to apply for the scholarship, contact Jennifer Skinner, assistant director of activities and organizations,

Interested in giving to the Student Development Fund? Please contact the Office of Advancement at, or call 972-338-1100.


By: Ashley Johnson, PR/Communication Director, or 972-338-1098

Jan. 14, 2016

Updated: Friday, April 8, 2016 - 8:20am