UNT System

UNT System

About the System

Bio for Kerry Romine

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About the System

Innovative, diverse, influential, robust and growing … the University of North Texas System (UNTS) is one of the most important public influencers in the North Texas region. With enrollment just over 42,000 students across its three campuses – the University of North Texas, the University of North Texas Health & Science Center and the University of North Texas at Dallas – UNTS awards more than 8000 degrees each year, including the largest number of master’s and doctoral degrees in the region. Overall, the UNT System boosts the Texas economy by nearly $5.2 billion each year.

System/Component Highlights

The Dallas 500 UNT System Leaders Honored By D Magazine

Several UNT System leaders were recently ... Read More

UNT Dallas Child Developent LabOnline Teaching Excellence Recognized at UNT Dallas

University faculty members received recognition of their excellent online teaching at a ceremony ... Read more

Art+Autism"Art+Autism" comes to UNT ArtSpace Dallas

“Art+Autism” is meant to initiate a conversation about the unique power of art in ... Read more

UNT System Strategic Plan UNT System Strategic Planning

Learn how the UNT System and its campuses are preparing for the future ... Read More

UNT Campus UNT named Tree Campus USA University for 8th consecutive year

UNT met the required five core standards of tree care and community ... Read more

Dr. Flynn TCU and UNT Health Science Center select dean for new M.D. school

Dr. Flynn, who led a medical school in Arizona that ... Read more

"University of North Texas," "UNT," "A green light to greatness" and their associated identity marks, as well as the eagle and talon graphic marks, are official trademarks of the University of North Texas; their use by others is legally restricted. If you have questions about using any of these marks, please contact the Division of University Relations, Communications and Marketing at (940) 565-2108 or e-mail branding@untsystem.edu. © 2012 University of North Texas System.

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