Career Services

The University of North Texas Career Center and the University of North Texas Alumni Association facilitate the following career-development, mentoring, and recruiting opportunities for UNT alumni:

Services Include:

  • Alumni career-advising appointments: Meet with UNT career center experts for one on one advising.

  • Drop-in alumni career advising: Please visit the Career Center at 103 Chestnut Hall on the UNT campus in Denton during drop in hours. Please visit the Career Center website for specific hours.

  • Administration and interpretation of self-assessment instruments: (e.g., Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Strong Interest Inventory, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, etc.).

  • Professional Development Seminars: What’s Next in my Career, Conflict Management in the Workplace and many others. Please visit the career center website for more information.

  • Alumni Networking/Student Mentoring System: This system allows for networking with other alumni and/or alumni can become available to UNT students for career mentoring.

  • Networking Events: Please visit the Events Calendar for upcoming dates

For additional information on career services, please contact:
UNT Career Center

University of North Texas Alumni Association

1155 Union Circle #311220 | Denton, Texas 76203-5017
940-565-2834 |