Plan your career and make career-related decisions. Explore new career opportunities, find wage and occupation information, learn about your interests and abilities, and use other labor market resources.

Explore Career Opportunities

Explore opportunities based on your interests and work values, match characteristics of your current or most recent occupation with similar occupations, and find specific information such as the fastest growing jobs, levels of education and training requirements, and average salaries.

Evaluate Expenses Against Careers

Estimate how much money you need for housing, utilities, transportation, clothes, health care, entertainment and other expenses, and see which careers will pay for these needs.

Learn How to Succeed at Work

Learn about getting and keeping the job of your choice.

Match Skills to New Careers

Explore career options based on skills you have used in previous jobs. Compare careers, find training and search for jobs.

Understand the Job Market & Employment Trends

Learn more about the current job market and employment trends at the national, state and local levels, and explore your career interests.