UNT's 5 Core Social Media Beliefs

  1. We’re advocates of the First Amendment and respect everyone’s right to free speech.

    We believe that preserving individuals’ privacy, open dialogue on our channels and transparency in the way we manage those channels is essential to our community’s daily interactions.

  2. Respect in a diverse audience is vital to keeping others in the community engaged.  We may disagree with each other but we’ll never remove your content unless it is threatening, intimidating, harassing, obscene, or constitutes coercion, cyber bullying or electronic stalking.

  3. We know you hate spam and we do too. If you want to participate in the conversation, be relevant and don’t spam. We define spam as any post that is overly promotional or that will benefit the subject of the post financially. Don’t target our audience with unsolicited ads.

  4. Our brand is unique, important and worth protecting to limit market confusion.  We have the legal right to do so.  Our brand identifies and unifies us and helps tell the UNT story.  No one should use UNT’s name or marks, impersonate the university or imply official endorsement, or benefit financially by using UNT’s name or marks without UNT’s consent. UNT has the legal right to defend its brand against these violations.

  5. Intellectual property should be honored, individuals are responsible for their own content and posts on our channels may be reused in other mediums.   By posting you agree with this philosophy.