Disposition Table by Date


All policy actions, including creation, revision, or deletion are summarized here for quick reference.

Disposition Table

April, 2016

Coliseum/Main Auditorium/Gateway Center

UNT Policy 6.3.1 "Coliseum/Main Auditorium/Gateway Center" has been deleted. The policy is a list of procedures, and not actual policy information. The procedural information can be found on the Coliseum, Gateway Center, and Main Auditorium websites and in their corresponding manuals. Effective 04/13/2016.

Coordination of University Scholarship Administration

UNT Policy 18.3.5 "Coordination of University Scholarship Administration" has been substantively revised to include addition of a policy statement and policy definitions, development of a dedicated website for information access and updates, and procedural changes to align policy with current operating practices. Effective 04/20/2016.


Employment of Hourly Student Academic Assistants

UNT Policy "Employment of Hourly Student Academic Assistants" has been deleted. This policy content has been incorporated into the revised UNT Policy 1.3.5 "Employment of Students for Hourly Positions". Effective 04/14/2016.
Employment of Student Research Assistants

UNT Policy "Employment of Student Research Assistants" has been deleted. This policy content has been incorporated into the revised UNT Policy 1.3.5 "Employment of Students for Hourly Positions". Effective 04/14/2016.
Employment of Students for Hourly Positions

UNT Policy 1.3.5 "Employment of Students for Hourly Positions" has been substantively revised. The policy now includes language from deleted policies "Employment of Student Research Assistants" ( and "Employment of Hourly Student Academic Assistants" ( and reduces the amount of total hours for hourly position to 25. Effective 04/11/2016.

Physical Facilities - Campus Master Plan

UNT Policy 10.3 "Physical Facilities - Campus Master Plan" has been deleted. This policy is unnecessary given that annual submittal of MP1, University Master Plan, to THECB is required by THECB rules and regulation #17.2 and Texas Education Code Section 61.0582. Effective 04/13/2016.

Prohibition of Sexual Assault and Retaliation

UNT Policy 9.7 "Prohibition of Sexual Assault and Retaliation" has been substantively revised to comply with TX 2015 House Bill 699. Final adoption of the policy pending approval by UNT System Board of Regents. Approved by UNT President 04/08/2016.


February, 2016

Exemptions and Waivers from Tuition and Fees

UNT Policy 2.2.10 "Exemptions and Waivers from Tuition and Fees" has been substantively revised. The policy now includes hyperlinks to the latest information and forms for existing exemptions and waivers offered by the University. Effective 02/01/2016.


January, 2016

Orientation, Supervision, and Evaluation of Academic Assistants.

UNT Policy 15.1.28 "Orientation, Supervision, and Evaluation of Academic Assistants" has been substantively revised. The new revision removes the word “Guidelines” from the title to ensure there is no ambiguity that this document has the force of a policy; expands the audience from TAs and TFs to academic assistants; and brings document into compliance with the requirement of the Policy on Policies (10.1). Effective 1/21/2016.


December, 2015

Pre-Finals Days, Reading Day, and Final Examinations

UNT Policy 15.2.16 "Pre-Finals Days, Reading Day, and Final Examinations" has been substantively revised. The new revision clarifies schedule for last two weeks of semester, to include Reading Day, adds procedures for appeal, and inclement weather section. Effective 12/14/2015.


September, 2015

Art in Public Places

UNT Policy 8.8 "Art in Public Places" has been substantively revised. The revision to the policy changed the precentage required from 1% to .5%.  Effective 09/04/2015.

Conflict of Interest Policy for Sponsored Projects

UNT Policy "Conflict of Interest Policy for Sponsored Projects" has been substantively revised to comply with the Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex marriage. The definition of spouse was added. Effective 09/17/2015.
Employment of Relatives (Nepotism Rule)

UNT Policy 1.2.6 "Employment of Relatives (Nepotism Rule)" has been substantively revised to comply with the Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex marriage. The definition of spouse was added. Effective 09/17/2015.

Employment of Veterans

UNT Policy 1.3.6 "Employment of Veterans" has been substantively revised to comply with the Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex marriage. The definition of spouse was added. Effective 09/17/2015.


UNT Policy 1.2.9 "Ethics" has been substantively revised to comply with the Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex marriage. The definition of spouse was added. Effective 09/17/2015.

Faculty/Staff/Retiree/Dependent Educational Scholarship

UNT Policy 2.2.14 "Faculty/Staff/Retiree/Dependent Educational Scholarship" has been substantively revised to comply with the Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex marriage. The definition of spouse was added. Effective 09/17/2015.

Family and Medical Leave

UNT Policy 1.4.21 "Family and Medical Leave" has been substantively revised to comply with the Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex marriage. The definition of spouse was added. Effective 09/17/2015.

Half Percent-for-Art Requirement for Capital Projects

UNT Policy 8.7 "Half Percent-for-Art Requirement for Capital Projects" has been substantively revised. Capital projects funded by student fees and/or auxiliary reserves are exempted from the art reuqirement. The amount of 1% has proven burdensome. Effective 09/04/2015.

Intercollegiate Athletics Drug Education, Testing and Counseling Program

UNT Policy 18.4.11 "Intercollegiate Athletics Drug Education, Testing and Counseling Program" has been substantively revised to comply with the Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex marriage. The definition of spouse was added. Effective 09/17/2015.

Optional Group Insurance Programs

UNT Policy 1.5.1 "Optional Group Insurance Programs" has been substantively revised to comply with the Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex marriage. The definition of spouse was added. Effective 09/17/2015.

Sick Leave

UNT Policy 1.4.10 "Sick Leave" has been substantively revised to comply with the Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex marriage. The definition of spouse was added. Effective 09/17/2015.

Sick Leave Pool

UNT Policy "Sick Leave Pool" has been substantively revised to comply with the Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex marriage. The definition of spouse was added. Effective 09/17/2015.
Spousal Travel

UNT Policy "Spousal Travel" has been substantively revised to comply with the Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex marriage. The definition of spouse was added. Effective 09/17/2015.
Student Employment College Work-Study

New UNT Policy 05.201 "Student Employment College Work-Study" has been approved and posted to the website.The purpose of this policy is to develop a measure that will ensure students are not working during scheduled class time and to comply with the Department of Education’s requirements. Effective 9/17/2015.

Time Period Exclusion from the Probationary Period

UNT Policy 15.0.2 "Time Period Exclusion from the Probationary Period" has been substantively revised to comply with the Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex marriage. The definition of spouse was added. Effective 09/17/2015.


UNT Policy 2.1.15 "Travel" has been substantively revised to comply with the Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex marriage. The definition of spouse was added. Effective 09/17/2015.


August, 2015

Records Management and Retention

UNT Policy 10.10 "Records Management and Retention" has been non-substantively revised to bring it up in compliance with existing formatting guidelines. Effective 08/12/2015.


Research Intellectual Property

UNT Policy 16.13.1 "Research Intellectual Property" has been substantively revised. The definition of "patent" was changed in accordance with the American Invents Act. Section 2 in Procedures and Responsibilities was made to clarify that the assignment of rights to the University for content creation be immediate, and not an intention to assign at a later date. Effective: 08/03/2015. 

Use of Academic Assistants in Large Classes

UNT Policy 15.1.30 "Use of Academic Assistants in Large Classes" has been substantively revised to remove word "Guidelines" from the title to ensure there is no ambiguity that this is a policy. Additionally, it wasreviewed and revised to comply with the UNT requirement of reviewing policies every 6 years. Effective 08/17/2015.


July, 2015

Faculty Misconduct and Discipline

UNT Policy 15.1.33 "Faculty Misconduct and Discipline" has been revised to comply with SACS and UNT policy review schedul. Revisions include:  reorganization of content, elimination of outdated references, inclusion of protection for faculty, and streamlining of procedures. Effective 7/23/2015.

Food Safety

UNT Policy 9.13 "Food Safety" has been created in compliance with Texas Department of State Health Services rules on food service sanitation. Effective 07/28/2015.

Guidelines for Selection of a Faculty Lecturer for Regents' Faculty Lecture Series at the University of North Texas

UNT Policy 15.1.17 "Guidelines for Selection of a Faculty Lecturer for Regents' Faculty Lecture Series at the University of North Texas" has been deleted. This policy is no longer being implemented. The VPAA Faculty Success Initiative now has a series of activities the recipient of which will be honored to also be a distinguished lecturer during the Salute to Faculty Excellence Week. The Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development has also agreed with deleting the policy. Effective 07/10/2015.

Information Security

UNT Policy 3.6 "Information Security" has been rewritten to align it with State of Texas Information Security Standards found in Texas Administrative Code 202 (TAC 202). Due to the extensive changes that were needed in order to bring the policy into compliance, a new draft was written rather than edits to the current policy. Effective 07/10/2015.

Mission Statement of the University of North Texas

UNT Policy 13.8 "Mission Statement of the University of North Texas" has been substantially revised to update the "Policy Statement" and "Procedures and Responsibilities" sections. Effective 07/31/2015.

Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect

UNT Policy 1.2.20 "Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect" was created to bring UNT into compliance with existing Texas Law (Texas Education Code and Texas Family Code) and UNT System's Regents Rules (04.1100 Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing). Effective 6/22/2015.

Risk Management Program

UNT Policy 9.6 "Risk Management Program" has been updated. The policy was updated to accurately reflect the current mission, structure, organization, or functions of UNT’s Risk Management Services department. The focus of the updated policy is managing risks holistically, according to the professionally accepted discipline of Risk Management, and according to a uniquely developed approach at UNT with three pillars: Risk Management, Emergency Management, and Environmental Management. Effective 07/23/2015.

Supplemental Policy on Evaluating Tenured Faculty at UNT

UNT Policy "Supplemental Policy on Evaluating Tenured Faculty at UNT" has been non-substantively revised to bring it in alignment with the current policy formatting guidelines.
Textbook Adoption Policy

UNT Policy 19.7 "Textbook Adoption" has been substantively revised to comply with current operating practices. Effective 07/10/2015.


June, 2015

Faculty Attendance at Commencement
UNT Policy 15.1.15 "Faculty Attendance at Commencement " has been deleted. It was determined by the Provost Office that such a policy was not needed as expectations of faculty are stated in offer letters, and the culture at UNT encourages faculty attendance at commencment.

May, 2015

Student Services Fee Committee

UNT Policy 18.4.7 "Student Services Fee Committee" has been revised to accurately reflect the intent of Student Goverenment Association (SGA) and UNT Administration in fulfilling the Student Service Fee process.

University Policy on Teaching Personnel whose Primary Language is Not English

UNT Policy 15.1.31 "University Policy on Teaching Personnel whose Primary Language is Not English" has been deleted. This policy content has been incorporated into revised UNT Policy, "Program of Assistance to Faculty Whose Primary Language is Not English".


January, 2015

Evaluating, Awarding and Accepting Credit

Policy 06.1001 "Evaluating, Awarding and Accepting Credit" has been updated to include relevant elements from the deleted policy 18.1.5 "Two-Year College Transfer Credit". 


December, 2014

Administrative Effectiveness Survey

UNT Policy "Administrative Effectiveness Survey" has been deleted. This policy was redundant with the existing policy 15.1.25 "Principles and Procedures for Evaluation of Academic Administrators".
Off-Campus Instruction

UNT Policy 15.2.2 "Off-Campus Instruction" has been deleted. Off-campus and distance/distributed online instruction are regular components of UNT curricular offerings and this policy is no longer warranted.


October, 2014

Academic Freedom and Academic Responsibility

UNT Policy 15.2.20 "Academic Freedom and Academic Responsibility" has been non-substantively revised. The passage on stewardship of resources has been consolidated into once sentence. Effective 10/31/2014.

Admission or Re-Enrollment as related to Personal Conduct and Admission Falsification.

UNT Policy 18.1.2 "Admission or Re-Enrollment as related to Personal Conduct and Admission Falsification" has been deleted. The language from this policy was incorporated on page 5 of Policy 18.1.11 "UNT Code of Student Conduct". Effective 10/21/2014.

Conferring of Emeritus Status

UNT Policy 15.1.18 "Conferring of Emeritus Status" has been non-substantively revised to align with UNT's Policy on Policies (10.1). The policy document has been updated to conform with the policy template. Effective 10.23.2014

Continuous Enrollment
UNT Policy 18.1.20 "Continuous Enrollment" has been substantively revised. The renew revision contains language that is aligned with the language in the graduate catalog for both master’s degree and doctoral degree requirements. Effective 10/31/2014.
University of North Texas Policy for Graduate Faculty Membership

UNT Policy 15.1.5 "Membership University of North Texas Policy for Graduate Faculty Membership" has been updated.

Effective 10/24/2014.


September, 2014

Accelerated Courses

UNT Policy 15.2.1, Accelerated Courses, has been deleted.  This policy content has been incorporated into revised UNT Policy 6.1001, Evaluating, Awarding and Accepting Credit.  Deletion effective 9/24/2014.

Aerospace Science

UNT Policy 15.2.15, Aerospace Science, has been deleted.  This policy addresses an academic program, Aerospace Studies, but is unnecessary.  It states that the ROTC detachment at UNT operates under the appropriate rules and regulations.  It would be assumed if there is an ROTC detachment at UNT, it does operate under appropriate rules and regulations.  Deletion effective 9/24/2014.

Appeals Process

UNT Policy, Appeals Process, has been deleted.  This policy only applies to the University Union and content is stated within University Union House Guidelines.  Deletion effective 9/23/2014.
Banner Policies

UNT Policy, Banner Polices, has been deleted.  This policy already exists for the University under UNT Policy 8.3, Signs, Posters, and Advertisements.  Deletion effective 9/8/2014.
Bulletin Boards

UNT Policy, Bulletin Boards, has been deleted.  This policy already exists for the University under the UNT Policy 8.3, Signs, Posters, and Advertisements.  Deletion effective 9/8/2014.
Campus Access for Service or Assistance, Comfort, Emotional Support, or Therapy Animals

UNT Policy 9.8.2, Campus Access for Service or Assistance, Comfort, Emotional Support, or Therapy Animals, has been created to comply with applicable statute and code.  The policy further sets clear guidelines per UNT's Office of Disability Accommodation current practice.  Effective 9/23/2014.

Correct Address

UNT Policy 18.1.4, Correct Address, has been deleted.  This policy content is addressed in 18.1.11, UNT Code of Student Conduct.  Deletion effective 9/24/2014.

Federal Programs

UNT Policy 18.3.4, Federal Programs, has been deleted.  This policy unnecessarily states that UNT will comply with Title IV statutes and regulations.  Deletion effective 9/24/2014.

Institutional Funding for Faculty Creative and Scholarly Activities

UNT Policy 16.0.1, Institutional Funding for Faculty Creative and Scholarly Activities, has been deleted.  This policy is outdated and obsolete.  Deletion effective 9/24/2014.

International Teaching Assistant/Teaching Fellow Language Certification Program

UNT Policy, International Teaching Assistant/Teaching Fellow Language Certification Program, has been deleted.  This policy content has been incorporated into revised UNT Policy, Program of Assistance to Faculty Whose Primary Language is Not English.  Deletion effective 9/24/2014.
One O'Clock Lounge and Courtyard Programs

UNT Policy, One O'Clock Lounge and Courtyard Programs, has been deleted.  These locations no longer exist and will not be incorporated into the new University Union in their current form.  Deletion effective 9/23/2014.
Required Courses in Government or Political Science

UNT Policy 15.2.10, Required Courses in Government or Political Science, has been deleted.  This requirement is stated in Texas Education Code making policy unnecessary.  Deletion effective 9/24/2014.

Required Courses in History

UNT Policy 15.2.9, Required Courses in History, has been deleted.  Requirement stated in Texas Education Code making policy unnecessary.  Deletion effective 9/24/2014.

Reservations and Reservable Spaces

UNT Policy, Reservations and Reservable Spaces, has been deleted.  This policy relates to decisions and scheduling within the University Union only, does not apply to the entire campus, and addressed within the University Union House Guidelines.  Deletion effective 9/8/2014.
Residents/Nonresidents General Rules

UNT Policy 18.2.1, Residents/Nonresidents General Rules, has been deleted.  This policy applies to the Board of Regents and is unnecessary as subject matter is covered by the Texas Education Code.  Deletion effective 9/24/2014.

Space Management and Assignment

UNT Policy 10.16 "Space Management and Assignment" has been non-substantively updated to be owned by the Office of the President. Effective 09/24/2014.

Student Requirements

UNT Policy 18.1.3, Student Requirements, has been deleted.  This policy served no purpose other than to direct students to the University Catalogs.  Deletion effective 9/24/2014.

Sunset Review of Organized Research and Service Units

UNT Policy 16.9, Sunset Review of Organized Research and Service Units, has been deleted.  This policy content is incorporated into UNT Policy 16.8, Centers and Institutes.  Deletion effective 9/24/2014.

Two-Year College Transfer Credit

UNT Policy 18.1.5, Two-Year College Transfer Credit, has been deleted.  This policy content has been incorporated into revised UNT Policy 06.1001, Evaluating, Awarding and Accepting Credit.  Deletion effective 9/24/2014.

Use Information/Vendor Tables

UNT Policy, Use Information/Vendor Tables, has been deleted.  This policy relates only to the University Union and is stated within the University Union House Guidelines.  Deletion effective 9/23/2014.
Use of Alcoholic Beverages

UNT Policy 10.14, Use of Alcoholic Beverages, was revised to comply with current operating practices and to include Apogee Stadium and athletic venues.  Effective 9/5/2014.


August, 2014

Faculty Leaves of Absence without Pay

UNT Policy 15.1.12, Faculty Leaves of Absence without Pay, has been non-substantively revised for clarity and to comply with current policy style and organizational guidelines.  Effective 8/5/2014.

Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing

UNT Policy 1.2.19, Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing, was created to align with UNT Regents Rule 04.1100, Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing. Effective 8/8/2014.


July, 2014

Criminal History Background Checks for Applicants for General Student Employment

UNT Policy 1.2.18, Criminal History Background Checks for Applicants for General Student Employment, was created to clear up confusion between Human Resource's FTE staff Criminal History Check policy and procedures and Student Employment's student employee Criminal History Check policy and procedures.  It also informs students that have an adverse criminal history report to know what their steps are to remedy the situation.  Effective 7/11/2014.

Dismissal of Patient from Care

UNT Policy 18.5.8, Dismissal of Patient from Care, was created to allow the clinical director of the Student Health and Wellness Center to seek temporary suspension or permanent termination of all patient healthcare services based on just cause as set forth in the policy.  Effective 7/29/2014.

HAZING (18.1.12)

UNT Policy 18.1.12, Hazing Policy, has been revised to comply with the Code of Student Conduct so student groups are not confused by policies directing them in different ways.  Effective 7/21/2014.

Library Loan Policy

UNT Policy 17.2, Library Loan Policy, has been deleted.  UNT Libraries Management determined this policy unnecessary since the library develops appropriate rules and guidelines for its operation and services.  Deleted 7/23/2014.

Library: Deposit of Texas County Records

UNT Policy 17.4, Library: Deposit of Texas County Records, has been deleted.  UNT Libraries has an agreement with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission covering this so this policy is unnecessary.  Deleted 7/23/2014.


June, 2014

Policy on Policies

UNT Policy 10.1, Policy on Policies, (formerly Process for Approving Policies and Procedures), has been significantly revised to provide for a six-year review cycle; to eliminate organizational charters and bylaws as policy, except for the Faculty Senate; and to clarify and update roles, responsibilities, and process.  Effective 6/20/2014.

Regents Professorship

UNT Policy 15.1.24, Regents Professorship, was revised to include reorganization of the content; addition of a review cycle every seven years; and clarification on retention of salary.  Effective 6/10/2014.

University Distinguished Teaching Professorship

UNT Policy 15.1.22, University Distinguished Teaching Professorship, has been revised change the review cycle from three to five years; include an opportunity to retire as University Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus; provide clarification of retention of salary; and include a provision that University Distinguished Teaching Professors cannot hold Regents Professorship simultaneously.  Effective 6/11/2014.


May, 2014

Medical Excuse from Class--UNT Student Health & Wellness Center

UNT Policy, Medical Excuse from Class--UNT Student Health & Wellness Center, was revised to provide medical excuses for contagious illnesses as well as for injuries; and to accurately reflect how medical excuses are handled at the SHWC.  Effective 5/30/2014.
University Distinguished Research Professorship

UNT Policy 15.1.23, University Distinguished Research Professorship, was revised to align with other honorific policies (i.e., Regents and University Distinguished Teaching Professorship.  Effective 5/7/2014.


April, 2014

Disclosure of Campus Security Policy, Crime Statistics and Fire Safety Policy and Fire Statistics (18.1.15)

UNT Policy 18.1.15, Disclosure of Campus Security Policy, Crime Statistics and Fire Safety Policy and Fire Statistics (formerly Annual Campus Safety Report), has been revised to comply with federal law (Clery Act and the Campus SaVE Act.  Effective 4/15/2014.

Due Process Guidelines in Alleged Drug Abuse Incidents

UNT Policy 18.5.5, Due Process Guidelines in Alleged Drug Abuse Incidents, has been deleted.  This issue is covered in the Student Code of Conduct policy.  Deletion effective 4/28/2014.

Leave of Absence without Pay

UNT Policy 1.4.7, Leave of Absence without Pay, was revised to change authority to grant exceptions from the Chancellor to the President of the University.  Effective 4/15/2014.

Medical or Mental Health Leave of Absence

UNT Policy 18.1, Medical or Mental Health Leave of Absence, has been deleted.  The issue of medical or mental health leave of absence is addressed in the Care Team policy, Student Code of Conduct, and Withdrawal policy.  Deleted 4/28/2014.

Student Organization Policy

UNT Policy 18.4.2, Student Organization Policy, was revised to update the registration process, including requirements of submission and number of memers, as well as privileges of registration; clarifies when a student organization can be denied registration and adds an appeal process; updates the membership non-discrimination statement; clarifies the responsibilities of advisors; and adds information about state mandated risk management program.  Effective 4/15/2014.


March, 2014

Legal Services

UNT Policy 18.5.3, Legal Services, was non-substantively revised for clarity and to correct the name of the policy's responsible party.  Effective 3/31/2014.


February, 2014

Graduation with Honors

UNT Policy 15.2.11, Graduation with Honors, was non-substantively revised to implement a change approved in 2008, but never posted.  This revision remedies that oversight.  Effective 2/19/2014.


December, 2013

Course and Curriculum Development

UNT Policy 15.2.3, Course and Curriculum Development, was non-substantively revised to include a policy statement and minor changes to comply with SACSCOC requirements.  Effective 12/3/2013.

Employee Indebtedness Owed to the University

UNT Policy 2.2.26, Employee Indebtedness Owed to the University, was revised to update and clarify current practices and procedures.  Effective 12/16/2013.


October, 2013

Animals in University of North Texas Buildings, Leased Facilities and On-Campus Properties

New UNT Policy 9.8.1, Animals in University of North Texas Buildings, Leased Facilities and On-Campus Properties, has been created to establish guidelines on the presence of animals in university facilities and on university property.  Policy effective 10/16/2013.

Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Non-Retaliation

UNT Policy 1.3.7, Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Non-Retaliation, has been revised to update the language and definitions for clarity and legal sufficiency.  Policy effective 10/09/2013.

Student Immunization and Screening/Testing Policy

UNT Policy 18.1.6, Student Immunization and Screening/Testing Policy, has been revised to comply with recent legislative changes to the meningitis immunization requirements.  Policy effective 10/7/2013.

University of North Texas Code of Student Conduct

UNT Policy 18.1.11, University of North Texas Code of Student Conduct, has been revised to comply with changes in the federal law.  Policy effective 10/7/2013.


September, 2013

Academic Freedom and Academic Responsibility

New UNT Policy 15.2.20, Academic Freedom and Academic Responsibility, has been created for clarification and separation from the tenure and promotion policy.  Effective 9/23/2013.

Protected Health Information Privacy Policy

UNT Polilcy 10.7, Protected Health Information Privacy Policy, was revised to comply with recent changes in the law.  Policy effective 9/25/2013.

Returned Checks or Electronic Payments

UNT Policy 2.2.21, Returned Checks or Electronic Payments, was revised to clarify the policy and align with current practice.  Effective 9/13/2013.

Student Service Fee Committee

UNT Policy 18.4.7, Student Service Fee Committee, was revised to clarify the purpose and responsibilities of the Student Service Fee Committee, as well s requirements for membership and oversight.  Policy effective 9/26/2013.


June, 2013

Joint Faculty Appointments

New UNT Polilcy 15.2.21, Joint Facuty Appointments, was created to provide opportunities for faculty to teach, conduct research, and provide professional service across two or more academic disciplines. This policy includes joint appointments at UNT as well as faculty seeking joint appointments with other institutions, laboratories, or affiliated entities.  Pollicy effective 6/19/2013.

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