
UNT Scholarships

The University of North Texas offers many scholarship opportunities. Please visit the Student Financial Aid and Scholarships office website for criteria and application deadlines for scholarships opportunities awarded through their office.

Undergraduate Research Fellowships

These awards—open to all students, across all disciplines--seek to enhance academic excellence via the expansion of mentor-based undergraduate research. Such research will occur in a host of settings and contexts under individual faculty mentorship. Students who become Undergraduate Research Fellows will then take part in the spring-semester Scholars Day, at which they will contribute poster presentations, papers, or brief performing-arts productions. Participation in Scholars Day and continuing at UNT as students for two semesters beyond the semester of application are among the conditions for receipt of the $500 award.

National Meritorious Scholarships for National Merit Finalists


The University of North Texas offers full scholarships to National Merit Finalists who meet certain qualifications. Holders of these National Meritorious Scholarships are members of the Honors College, and must successfully complete at least six Honors credits per academic year. However, you must still submit an application to the Honors College to achieve membership. For more information, please visit the website for the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships at

Terry Scholarships for Freshmen

The Terry Foundation Scholarship program for freshmen provides scholarships for up to four years to outstanding Texas high school graduates with promising leadership potential. The Foundation also provides up to $15,000 in additional funds for students to study abroad. For more information, please go to To apply for the UNT Terry Freshmen Scholarship, please go to Students must be accepted for admission to UNT before they can access the application. The deadline for submission online is February 1. Applications submitted after this date will not be accepted.

Terry Nontraditional/Transfer Scholarships

The Terry Foundation, one of Texas’ largest private providers of educational scholarships, offers scholarships for non-traditional transfer students who have lived in Texas for at least three years and who show leadership potential. The Terry Transfer/Non-traditional scholarship stipend is $13,000 per year and is renewable for up to three years of undergraduate study, all subject to satisfactory compliance with the Foundation’s academic and other requirements. The Foundation also provides up to $15,000 in additional funds for students to study abroad. To apply for the UNT Terry Transfer Scholarship, please go to Students must be accepted for admission to UNT before they can access the application. The deadline for submission will be April 22nd.

Nick and Anna Ricco, long-time UNT donors, created an ethics scholarship competition in 2011. It is open to all students in the 13 colleges and schools at the University of North Texas.

2016 Nicholas and Anna Ricco Ethics Scholarship Competition

The ethics competition was created to promote intellectual debate and discussion on ethics as related to students’ areas of study at UNT, their field of vocation or their avocation. The goal is to stimulate the applicants to new heights of reasoning and self-discipline. The ultimate result will be a higher level of ethical understanding in one’s area of study and daily life. It is the hope of the donors that students will recognize and better comprehend the need for a higher understanding of ethics in their personal and professional lives.

Awards of $1,000 each will be granted to one student from each college or school at UNT. The deadline is January 31, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. Recognition will be given at University Honors Day in spring 2016.

Honors College Scholarships

The Honors College awards several scholarships each year in amounts ranging from $250 to $1,000. Honors College Scholarships are awarded to excellent students who have a record of participation in Honors classes and programming.

Honors College Transfer Scholarships

Several Honors College Transfer Scholarships are available annually to incoming undergraduate transfer students accepted to UNT and the Honors College by March 1. To be eligible, a transfer student must have at least 15 credit hours and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.


No scholarship application is needed. Your Honors College application and UNT admission application will be used to consider students for these competitive awards. Award amounts are based on an applicant’s cumulative GPA, and vary in amount from $1,000 to $4,000, depending on available funding.

The Honors College abides by UNT procedures for awarding scholarships, in addition to those standards set by the Honors College Scholarship committee.